SEO - Search Engine Optimization Made Easy by Brad Callen - HTML preview

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(PR 1)

? Page A: 0.15 + (0.85 * (1/2)) = .575
? Page B:
0.15 + (0.85 * (1/2)) = .575
? Page C:
0.15 + (0.85 * (1/2)) = .575

After 1 iteration the Page Rank of all pages is .575.
So, by linking ALL pages together we have maximized the page rank from within our website!

You can play around with your linking throughout your website and by doing so, you can send more PR to pages you want to rank higher for, and lowering the PR of those pages you don't care much about their ranking :-)

This can be extremely powerful.
Was that over your head?

If so, don't despair. The first time I learned how Page Rank was calculated, I didn't understand it either. Just keep re-reading what I've written and give it a try with your webpages and it will eventually all make perfect sense.

Ready for an extremely powerful trick that I use on all of my websites?
Remember that in the Page Rank formula:


0.15 + (0.85 * (a "share" of the PR of every webpage that links to it)) = Your Webpage's PR


The "share of PR of every webpage that links to it" is calculated by taking the current Page Rank of the webpage and dividing it by the total number of links on the page...

So, by removing ALL unnecessary links on a page, you will be able to pass more Page Rank to the other pages that you link to... Why is this important? Remember, the higher the Page Rank a page has, the better it will rank.

So, what are unnecessary links? Unnecessary links could be when you link to another website (link partner) and they don't link back to you. By linking out to a "link partner", you're giving them a percentage of your Page Rank that you could be passing to other pages within YOUR website. If this "link partner" isn't linking back to your website, there is no need to ever link to them. You're just hurting your ranking by doing so!

I have seen websites move up hundreds of positions by simply looking at their links pages and making sure that their link partners are all linking back. If they're not, then you should ALWAYS remove them from your links page. In doing so, you are guaranteed to benefit from this.

A day before writing this, I went through all of my links pages and validated that all of my link partners were still linking back. If they weren't, I removed them. I checked my rankings in Google today and they gone up over 10 positions since yesterday! Yes, this could be mere coincidence, but it's happened numerous times to other websites of mine.

I can't stress enough the importance of monitoring these link partners. Let's do an example:
Looking at this links page:


00087.jpgIf we go to the page, you can see that they link out to 6 websites:

TIP: Now, we could visit each of these websites manually and search through their entire sites, which could have thousands of pages... to find our link. This could take a very long time. Again, this is where I use SEO Eliteto do the hard work. All you have to do is enter the main links page: andSEO Elitewill go through all


of your link partners and will tell you if they're still linking back!
Remember, the purpose of doing this is IF the website is not linking back to us, we can remove their link from our webpage, thus we'd be passing Page Rank to our OWN website's pages, rather than passing that portion of Page Rank to this "link partner's" site. If they're not linking back to us (passing PR back to us) then why should WE send them some of our website's Page Rank? We shouldn't...

? Open up SEO Elite
? Select radio button 4
? Enter the links page into
SEO Elite and click "ok"...

Once is finished running, it will quickly tell us whether or not these sites are still linking back to us, as shown below...



Notice that only 2 of these sites are still linking back!
They must have removed our link from their website without us knowing about it. We can remove all of the other links, and this alone will allow us to pass more PR to our own webpages within our site and will help us rank better immediately!

This is a HUGE secret that not many webmasters know about... Now, I don't want this secret getting out to everyone, so keep this to yourself. Give it a try, you can go through your links pages manually which will work just fine, or you can use SEO Elite. Either way works just as well as the other. The main thing is to DO THIS!

By Brad Callen Final Summary

Final Summary

Ok, now that you've gone through this eBook, I can guarantee you that you know more than 99% of all webmaster's online. You now know how to completely smoke your competitors in the search engine war and you're virtually GUARANTEED success if you follow all of the advice taught in this course.

As I said in the beginning of this eBook, it is absolutely critical that you take this advice seriously and actually put into action EVERYTHING you've learned. Some of it may seem simple, and some might seem a bit complex, but just take everything 1 step at a time. EVERTHING I've taught you works, and works extremely well, so now you have no excuses for grabbing that top ranking for whatever keyword you choose! Don't be that 99% of webmasters that are too lazy to actually do anything with what they learn and get out there and start dominating those search engines!

All the best,


00089.jpgBrad Callen
Bryxen Software


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