The Guaranteed Ways to Join the $100,000 Heavy Hitters MLM Club by Lana Robinson - HTML preview

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Greetings And Welcome To How Network Marketing Works!


My Name is Jaz Lai and if you are like me, you would know that network marketing is not an easy industry to be in.

I’ve been in this industry for the last 5 years and I’ve seen a lot of changes in the way that network marketing is done. If you are new to network marketing or are still struggling to find success in your home business, then this would probably be the most important book you’ve ever read about network marketing and you owe

it to yourself to read every single line in this book.


What I’m about to tell you may shock you or even seasoned network marketing reps that’ve been sold the lie that they should always follow the old ‘system’.

You’ve Been WARNED!...

I’ve witnessed first-hand how the Internet has turned this industry upside down and the state of the industry has shaken even the veterans in the industry to reevaluate their strategies not only for themselves, but for their entire teams as well. This sort of restructuring has only just recently begun and its uprooting is evident from the emergence of the Internet.

And to think that most people in the world today are still employing ‘dinosaur’ old prospecting methods that are rendered obsolete by technology!

I mean, come on! Prospecting methods such as cold calling, strong arming your prospects (or tricking them) into your hotel opportunity meetings and endlessly pestering your friends and relatives into ‘supporting’ your network marketing products are so out dated, it’s no different that watching someone use a VCR, cassette or wear bell bottoms out on the streets!

You see, the mind is like a parachute… it only works when it is OPEN.

You may find that the contents and the concepts taught in this book to be going against the grain of what 99% of network marketers know. But in reality, that is the reason why 99% of all other network marketers are getting mediocre results!

The rest of the other 1% are employing strategies that many have not even heard of! And you know what the dirty little secret is?

They KNOW that the majority will not accept this and may even shun these strategies… and that is why they are selfishly making an obscene amount of money under your noses!

Me? I don’t care what others think of me. I’m willing to share it with you and if you can’t stomach the information, then it’s your mindset that you will need to wrestle with. I’m just giving you the information on how the elite ALPHA networkers make a fortune on the Internet and in network marketing.

00007.jpg(Image Taken From A Scene In The Matrix)

Just like Neo in the Matrix had to make a choice between taking the red pill and find out the truth, or take the blue pill and go back to a normal life. The choice is YOURS as well. You can be like the rest of the 99%, take the blue pill of ignorance and be like the rest of the others, or satisfy your inner curiosity and read on.

If you are ready to find out how deep the rabbit hole is then get ready for the ride of your life!