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The Internet – Your Ally Or Your Enemy?

00008.jpgThe Internet has drastically changed the way how network marketing is done. Let’s take a look at social proof.


Social Proof No.1 – The Social Networking Phenomenon:

In just a few years, the website FaceBook has generated more traffic than most other huge companies combined. The rise of their popularity is staggering and the estimated price of the network is estimated in the BILLIONS.

(Note: There are network marketers out there who are making a killing with FaceBook today)


Social Proof No.2 – The Uprooting Of A Government Establishment


In the country of Malaysia – a democratic country, the ruling political party has never failed to secure a 2/3 majority of votes in their general election.

The opposition coalition, a conglomerate of ethnically and socially diverse groups who are facing a disadvantage in terms of government funding, political muscle and mass media support, has completely turned the tides of the general elections by breaking the 2/3 majority (has never happened for almost 50 years!) using a campaign fueled by Blogs, YouTube, Email Marketing, Viral Marketing And so called ‘underground media’.

(Note: Lots of networkers are turning to blogs, email marketing, viral marketing, social networking and many others to generate endless leads and cash flow into their network marketing businesses!)

Social Proof No.3 – The New Corporate Direction

Today, many large corporations are turning to the Internet to drive traffic and ‘touch base’ with their customers and prospects. A lot of companies have allocated massive advertising budgets to restructure their web presence and brand themselves using newsletters and blogs!

Here is the million dollar question:
Is The Internet Working FOR YOU Or Is It Working AGAINST YOU?


Let’s be brutally honest with ourselves here.

The Internet has completely changed the way network marketing prospecting is done and if we don’t keep up with the times, we will be left behind as everyone else is moving forward – with or without you.