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Top Ten Books Every Home Business Entrepreneur Must Read

I wanted to end this text on a positive note.

If you are serious about achieving success in this industry, youmust become a student of the business. Short of experience and hands-on training from various mentors you may have access to, the best way to master the home business industry is to read good books on the subject.

Here is a list of ten books that played a key role in my self-development:

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” by Robert Kiyosaki

Okay, this is not technically a book on MLM; however, it is an excellent book on money and the creation of wealth, and should be read by every aspiring wealth builder.

“Parable of the Pipeline,” by Burke Hedges

This is the best short book on why network marketing changes lives and allows us to achieve financial success. Read this book over breakfast, and then re-read it at least once a month.

“Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill

This is the all-time classic work on building wealth and personal success. Read this book and discover your definite purpose in life.

“Magic of Thinking Big,” by David Schwartz

The most common cause of failure is the lack of goals and big dreams. Read this book and learn how to dream again.

“Greatest Salesman that Ever Lived,” by OgMandino

Og is an inspirational writer that you need to get to know. His books have picked me up when I felt down, and inspired me to persevere when all I wanted to do was quit and crawl under a rock somewhere.

“Acres of Diamonds,” by Russell Conwell

I love this parable. Conwell tells a story of how a man searches the world for wealth, only to find treasure near his own home. The point is, opportunity is all around us, and may in fact be staring you in the face right now.

“The Richest Man in Babylon,” by George Clason

This classic book on how to create wealth helped set me on the road towards investing for the future, and has made me a better money manager and business mentor in the process.

“See You at the Top,” by Zig Ziglar

Zig was one of the great ones. I met him at a live seminar once, and although he was nearing the end of his career at the time, he was as vibrant and alive as ever. His work lives on in his books and recordings. Learn how to set goals and strive for continual self-improvement in this book. Plus, Ziglar always entertains and tells a great story.

“Go For No,” by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz

It seems counter-intuitive, but the precept of this book is that we can all increase our level of success in MLM by simply exposing ourselves to more failure and rejection. Of course, you have to have the resolve to look beyond setbacks and rejections, but the idea in this book is that by incurring more rejection, we will be sharing our opportunity more, and thus enjoy more success.

“The Renegade Network Marketer,” by Ann Sieg

You won’t find this book in your library. However, you may be able to find it online with a Google search. Ann destroys the myths of network marketing in this book, and lays out a revolutionary MLM marketing strategy. Well worth finding and reading.