The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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I "ll get into the HOW of this concept in more depth in the next chapter. But it"s critical that you understand the WHY behind it as we start out. This will distinguish you from a thousand other distributors at your network marketing company who focus on “selling” without establishing a relationship first. It will allow you to stand out and be noticed by more and more followers.

It comes down to this...your true value stems from you being a leader and a trusted guide in your followers" journey of advancement. If you are perceived as being able to help them reach their goals, they"ll be much more likely do business with you.

And if you can offer your followers more than just a single solution (i.e. your network marketing company) to their biggest problems, you"ll enjoy many more ways to profit.


There is some basic human psychology that will work in your favor and in your followers" favor once you “get it” and begin to build your value equation around it.


3: Promote Yourself Widely Online to Attract More Prospects to You

The beauty of the Internet is that for the first time in human history, an average person now has a medium in which it"s possible to reach out to a particular subsegment of people from around the world and connect easily and inexpensively with them.

Up until just a few years ago, this power resided in the hands of major corporations or media conglomerates only. Now you or I or anyone with a computer can do the same, and profit in ways that were once unthinkable.

If you consider that up until recently it would have been prohibitively expensive or even impossible for someone to try and reach individuals from all over the world in particular niche markets (i.e. real estate professionals looking to buy commercial real estate software or moms wanting to work from home), the change is nothing short of amazing.

There now exist some well defined and effective ways in which you can promote yourself and your expertise online. Some are free and some cost money to exploit. Here are just a few:

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