The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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Your “List” is Not Just Your Email List

In the early days of online marketing your list was primarily your list of email subscribers. However it"s now possible to reach out and communicate with your followers in different ways online. !

Some of your followers will prefer to hear from you via your newsletter, while others will prefer being notified of new blog posts via your RSS feed. Think of each of these different methods as all part of your master list building efforts.

The more different ways you offer for your followers to hear from you, the larger your sphere of influence will grow among your followers


Your Online Newsletter

It "s a simple matter nowadays to include an email capture form on your blog or website and you should do so. Offer your visitors an incentive to give you their email address and you will begin to grow your list.

This is all easily done through an autoresponder system of some kind. A couple of excellent autoresponders are Aweber (which is what I use on my blog) and GetResponse. Either allows you to easily send out your newsletter to thousands of subscribers.

I consider an autoresponder to be a really essential part of any serious effort to build an online presence and recommend you choose one and learn to use it. They aren"t expensive and they will pay you back many times over.

Your RSS Feed Subscribers

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RSS (which stands for “Really Simple Syndication”) is a way for your followers to receive instant notification every time you publish new content on your blog.