! Find a time management program that resonates with you and learn how to use it. Or if a formal program isn!t for you, at least come up with your own system and stick to it.
! Prioritize what needs to get done each day, week and month and make sure you do them.! Limit the amount of time you spend on email each day. Perhaps check it just a couple of times a day. Trim down the amount of non-essential online
newsletters you receive by asking yourself if they are truly valuable and if you actually read most issues.
I love planning and strategizing. I love writing a really good piece of copy. And I love instructing. I get a warm fuzzy feeling when the “Ahahhh” moment comes for someone I"ve been helping.
Fortunately I learned fairly young that doing what I really want to do makes a whole lot more sense than doing what I “have” to do. And once I came to this realization I knew I