12 Must Know Facts About Children's Drawings by Michal Wimmer - HTML preview

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3 When to Examine Children's Drawings?


You should contact a professional whenever you seek further information about the way your child experiences the world around him. Drawings are particularly conducive to that purpose since they represent a natural and uninhibited means of communication.


Parents, educators and mental health professionals do not seek to analyze children's drawings with the sole purpose of identifying fears and distresses or bring about significant behavioral change. Drawings are an additional, easily available tool for understanding daily behavior. Drawing analysis is thus used when the people who care about the child need more answers to questions such as the following:


- Why do I need to tell her everything a hundred times before she listens?

- Which afternoon activity will build up her confidence?

- How does she feel about her little brother? 

- How can I help her become more popular?

- How can we strengthen the family bond?

- Is she socially and emotionally ready for first grade?


Everyone who raises and works with children knows that every child is a universe, and there is no readymade formula applicable to all . Drawings are in fact the blueprints for each child's unique formula, and you can use them to understand the most effective way to communicate with him.