A Complete Guide to Breastfeeding by Rich Lawson - HTML preview

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When to start

The ideal time to begin solid foods is when the baby shows interest in starting. Some babies will show interest in solid food when it’s on their parents’ plates, as early as 4 months of age. By 5 - 6 months, most babies will reach out and try to grab the food. When the baby starts to reach for food, it’s normally the time to go ahead and give him some.

Sometimes, it may be a better idea to start food earlier. When a baby seems to get hungry or once weight gain isn’t continuing at the desired rate, it may be good to start solid foods as early as 3 months. It may be possible however, to continue breast feeding alone and have the baby less hungry or growing more rapidly.

Breast fed babies will digest solid foods better and earlier than artificially fed babies because the breast milk will contain enzymes which help to digest fats, proteins, and starch. Breast fed babies will also have had a variety of different tastes in their life, since the flavors of many foods the mother eats will pass into her milk.