A Story of Stars by Steven Doornbos - HTML preview

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"Do you know how stars used to make noise enough so you could hear them?" No, I said quietly, how did they make noise? And, I continued, why can't we hear the noise anymore? "Well he said, there was a time when the stars were first created by God that there wasn't anything else on earth yet. So, when the stars first took their places in the sky they swooshed out to their new homes at a really high speed. After all they had long journeys ahead of them to get to their new homes. So as they were traveling out into the sky they all got together and decided to have a contest to see who could get there first." He continued. "Have you ever heard the noise of a fire in the fireplace?" Yes, I said, it crackles and hisses and makes all sorts of noise. But you have to be quiet to hear it. "Yes," he said, "that is what I mean. Stars all zooming out into space at the same time created quite a display. Sort of like fireworks going off only far more brightly lit than any fireworks you have ever seen. Just imagine billions and billions of stars racing into space at the same time. They wanted to show off and be the first to arrive at their new home. They left big trails of fire behind them as they raced outward." Wouldn't that have been a sight to see I thought to myself.
