Dad's Letters by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Dear dad,

I am watching you. As much as you are a guard over me, I am also a guard over you. I may not have as  much influence on you as you have on me but I will have much influence on you in the future. I know I have a wise dad and I am looking up to you for the wisdom you have to offer me and I am trailing right behind you. You know that popular saying “like father like child.” It is true dad. I am following your footsteps systematically.

You have the greatest influence on me more than any person does. Its only if you fail in your responsibility is there any chance of you losing your place of influence. As a real dad, I am following your dictates.

Often dads love the ideal state. They prefer the “do it this way” while they choose to do something else. They often expect their wards to carry the load while they will not lift a stone. Its great dad, that you desire the ideal for me. But the truth is sometimes I feel bored having to do things that I have not seen you do. I may give a frown.

As a child, I often love to learn by example. I love to see my parents do, watch them carefully and copy how they do it. You know that you do not need to carouse me to a task I can see you doing.

I learn very fast when I watch you do and it gives me great joy that I am working with dad.

I know you love to see me develop and you do want my development to be attributed to you. Every dad wants to be associated with his children's success. They want the world to believe they got it right that is why their kids are getting it right. They are just like you dad.

Children take over attributes of their dad. Research has it that 80% sons of smokers usually turn out to be smokers thereby continuing the smoking chain. Successful parents often end up having successful children.

This is not because they would naturally have successful wards but because there is a natural tendency of their wards replicating what they have seen in their parents in their lives too.

As my dad, do remember that what you learnt from granddad has been the basis for your development and achievement. I will not be wrong to have a dad as you to look up to. I do want someone I can always run to for that much needed advice, someone who had applied the advice himself, someone like you.

I am a fast learner especially from you and you sure are a quick study too dad. Being a dad is such a challenging role that you have to watch your sides to ensure you do not slip off the thin line. You do know that some little brats like me are watching you scale that line. I will be encouraged and happy to thread after you knowing that you had achieved the feet of crossing the line.

Now you can be proud to tell me “watch me do it” because that is the only way I can learn from you. I have to watch you lead, that is the only way I can learn to be a leader too.

With Love,

Your son.