Dad's Letters by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Dear Dad,

Often times fathers fail to remember the promises they made to their wives on the day of their wedding. Most often, they renege on their agreements thus causing great harm to their kids. Dad I would like you to know that the best you would want to see me be can be achieved when you keep your promise to mom.

A handful of disasters has occurred in the lives of many kids that could have been averted if their parents were together. Breaking your agreement with mom has had tremendous negative impact on me. Those memories would remain in me, far into the future and I will live with the hurts for the rest of my life.

Dad, I think you and mom are great together and I admire how you both have striven to overcome your challenges. I would love to raise a family in the future that looks like the one you created for me with mom.

Nothing is as good as waking up each morning, to see you two together, the laughter, the feeling of togetherness. As an “observer”, I believe am in the best position to tell you that you and mom are happiest when you are together.

You may not acknowledge this little fact but I watch you and I expect you to serve as an example on how best to run a family in the future. I hate to hear these threats of divorce and I would love always to see our family in one piece.

I want to know you can be a father I can look up to as a role model. I do not like the stigma of having a single dad or single mom. I would hate to be like the grass after two elephants have fought and the tussle for visitation rights. I am looking up to you as a symbol of family unity, a model I will want to copy for my own family too.

My sister wants to think she can have her husband in the future having similar attributes just like you. She wants to look at you and see a model her husband can copy.

I hate to see my parents divided and for sure when parents are divided, the home is divided and the children are divided. I love the unity we can have as one bunch.

I might not have been around to know when and how you made that promise and agreement with mom but I know my siblings and I are the fruits of such agreement and I am aware your agreement was for better and for worse. I love to know my role model can keep his words.

You promised to love mom forever, through the good and the bad. It is this promise you made that makes me watch your every step and method of handling issues relating to the family.

I know you are doing everything within your capability to see the unity of our family preserved. I am learning conflict resolution from you, and it is my hope you are good enough to tutor me using our family as a model.

Dad, I want you to know divorce is not an option worth considering. You need realize that though, you may have some bad times with mom, there are no problems that cannot be resolved.

I have studied conflict resolution in my school and I would love to see the conflicts in our home resolved amicably, a task I know you are well capable to carry out

God had mandated the marriage union until death do you part. I would love to know that you can respect God's words. In doing this, you are teaching me to have sublime faith in God.

I want to have a family I can always run to for comfort. I always want to feel the warmth of belonging to a family I can call mine where mom and dad are happy being together.

Marriage is honorable. I want to learn this from you and mom. I would love to appreciate the honor that comes with having a partner for life. I will not like to see you abuse mom. It diminishes the honor that marriage brings.

Dad, I believe that your union with mom is

  • P -  Perfect, worthy of commendation created by no other person than God himself.
  • R – Responsibility handed to you from God that involves mom and me
  • O – Order necessitated by God meant for the continuation of human race
  • M – Mysteries that can only be described by the creator.
  • I – An Indispensable necessity in the world.
  • S – Source of blessing that God has vowed for the union.
  • E – Exemplary lifestyle recommended and recommendable.

Keeping the promise and your promise has enormous effect not just on me but also on the people around you, who are glad and happy you are the keeping the promise you made in their presence. They love to remember that day when you made your vows to mom, to stand by her.

Remember there are many eyes watching you. While some may desire to see you renege in your promise, many others are happy to associate with this promise.

Being a dad is the result of the vow you made to mom. The promise you made that resulted in my coming into the world is a vow that must be kept whatever the case. Realize that as a dad you have the responsibility to keep your promise, not just another promise, but God's promise.

Keeping the promise you made to mom protects you from all those extramarital diseases that hunt the world of promise breakers. HIV\AIDS rampages our streets and keeping your promise to mum protects you from this. I know this dad and I will be proud to have a faithful father who keeps his promises. Keep your promise dad.

With Love,

your son.