Growing Up Greenbrier by Bart Mitchell - HTML preview

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These Changes are Real


It’s funny because I used to be so concerned about when I was going to get moved up to Humility and Honor. Every community meeting I would hope that my name would be called and I would get moved up. But about two months before I actually did get moved up, those concerns I was having went away.

I wasn’t pressed about getting moved up anymore. I knew that I had made tremendous progress and I realized that I didn’t need a title to prove it. As soon as I stopped being so pressed about getting moved up and finally was able to be content with myself, is when I got moved up.

 The day I got moved up to Humility and Honor, I also received another huge recognition.As our high school graduation was approaching rather quickly, many preparations were being made. Mark, the headmaster, announced in community meeting that I had earned Valedictorian for this year’s graduating class. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

In just a little less than a year’s time, I went from skipping school almost every day and not caring at all about grades or college, to getting straight A’s all year and then becoming Valedictorian for my entire senior class. I was truly proud of myself and to be honest, I think my mom was even prouder. With both of these huge accomplishments, things between my mom and I got so much better. This was living proof that the changes I claimed to making while at GBA were real, and that my life was turning around in ways that no one thought possible.
