Growing Up Greenbrier by Bart Mitchell - HTML preview

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  Finishing Strong and Beginning the Next Chapter of My Life


According to, relation is defined as “an existing con - nection; a significant association between or among things.” At Greenbrier Academy, we focus on the concept of relationality. This is more than just a therapy technique or a coping mechanism; this is a way to potentially lead your life in a positive and healthy manner in which relationships are absolutely essential in every aspect imaginable.


 Whether you realize it or not, everything you do, every choice you make, affects the relationships you have in your life and with yourself. As I reflect over my time spent at Greenbrier Academy, I realize that with each step of progress I made my relationships progressed one step at a time as well.

Relationships are more than just a connection you have to someone else or yourself, they are truly powerful and have the ability to be life-changing.

When I first got here Iwas so angry and would do absolutely anything to get out and go back home to my old lifestyle. Now, I wish I had more time before I have to leave. This is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received and I’m so grateful to have been given this opportunity and rare yet amazing privilege of being a part of this loving community.

My journey here has been long and hard, and even though I’ll be leaving this place I call my home in just two months, my journey shall not end. In fact, this is only the very beginning.

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