Growing Up Greenbrier by Bart Mitchell - HTML preview

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  And the Journey Begins…


 It was 7:25 A.M. on a Monday morning.The transporters would be here in about five minutes to pick me up and take me to Pence Springs, West Virginia where I would be attending Greenbrier Academy for Girls.

As I hauled my exhausted and completely hung-over self up the stairs, I saw all my stuff sitting next to the door, ready to be loaded into the transporter’s car and probably never to be returned to this house again.

The transporters arrived and then it all happened so fast. My stuff was put in the car and my mom was trying to hug me goodbye and before I knew it, I was in the backseat with some strange woman sitting next to me and we were driving away. To be honest, I was completely confused. It didn’t seem real that any of this was actually happening. I was in complete denial about everything going on in my life and I pointed the blaming finger at anyone but myself. I was filled with overwhelming sensations of anger, sadness, and especially loneliness.

 When we pulled into the driveway and parked outside the school, I was filled with this uneasy feeling and I wished at that moment I could go back in time and fix things so I never would have been sent here. Although I didn’t realize it yet, this was the start of a transformation that occurred within me that would completely change my life for the better.
