How To Turn Your Child Into A Classroom Wizard by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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Mathematics Trick

Obtain through your childs math teacher a perfect example of each math problem. Every single step, every single stage of the math problem must be clearly written down on a fresh clean exercise math book. AN example containing a problem and a correct answer and how exactly to the extreme it was arrived at. Then have your child copy this out as neatly as they do their very best handwriting printing in their own style here. Then have the math teacher give you one exemplary example of a math exam quality problem. And have your child lay this math problem out in exactly the same way as the pristine example given with a HB pencil easily rubbed out. Then once they have arrived at the correct answer get them to go over it neatly over the top of the pencil with an ink pen and then use a rubber to finish. That's the math trick and English is just the same.

Just recall my note here on the right-brain subconscious being a realm of doing things with things (objects) contained inside the left-brain. Returning to the fire truck ladder. Watch your child and wait until you see him or her raising up the ladder. Take any of the small objects lying around at present not played with as often as the fire truck. And use them in the following way. Introduce your son or daughter to math. By placing your finger on the first bottom rung. And calling it the number one. Move any of the other toys over next to the ladder. Then simply do the same until you have done all the rungs of the fire trucks ladder. Always if you can show your child the English Alphabet also counting out the rungs of the ladder and items attached visually on the fire truck such as the water hoses etc to count a higher number. Especially giving numbers and letters for the fire men.

Chidren set their own pace. They know when they are ready to do something. So do not force the issue. Let them set the pace.

I am going to be as tackfull as possible here now. As THERE IS TOO MUCH PC in the world now. The staus quo is to protect children from life as it is. This left-brain thinking has us too afraid to show your child, the flame of a lit match, but please do so. For instance as follows: Place the matches in one hand and a glass of water and a drinking straw in the other. Take the drinking straw. Draw up some water and squeeze the top of the straw. Explaining how the water is stopped from coming out the bottom. The object here is not for you to tell but to wait until they can tell you in their own words what they believe is holding the water inside the straw.

What I am telling you here is too always teach physics lessons. As physics is really philosophy. Being the art of thinking contemplatively.

Now for the real true to life wonder of the world Walt Disney showed in his Mickey Mouse cartoons. He always showed true physics in action in his cartoons.

There is one scene where Mickey is inside an elevator going up and down on a building site. It is always true to life's forces of nature upon the cartoon character. Please do not show your child. Some of the more modern cartoons. The capacity for violence carried out in a physical manner is not normal, not natural, especially in cartoon form.

Now a note to finish my notes on the fire truck or anything your child selects out as a stuborn (sign of a strong spirit-being nature) interest.

For instance we begin with the ladder. We begin with a lit match. And water held inside a straw to increase the childs level of mystery, of wonderment. Now put the flame out by releasing your grip on the straw and watch his or her face light up as the water flows out of the straw and puts the flame out. Give him what will be your job of building up his vocabluary. But always restrict your words to a fifteen year olds level of understanding only. No university words, as the university educated mind is a left-brain only source of names of objects in a long list. Remember the key to lifes magic was given by Tesla who said energy is a doing, moving thing.

Now to finish. Still on the fire truck for a moment, by giving you my list of words revolving around a fire truck. And a childs vocabluary building exercise. This given to show how the right-brain genius mind flows, operates in human consciousness. When allowed to flow with the fire truck in the way in which all of our minds should flow to allow the brain to light up as many new and associated neurons as possible.

The key word to raising your childs grades in school being association and their self-image. Being yours and his or her linking of the words like attracted to like thoughts kind of thinking only in contemplation mode.

Association as Follows

Fire, match, fuel, water, hoses, men, uniforms, oxygen tanks, axes, jaws-of-life, ladders, steps, rungs, lifting, breaking down doors, walls, flooding, hydrants, sirens ringing out, bells, pole, stairs. Buildings, rooftops, chimneys, helmets, wood, coal, gas, petrol, hose reels, jumping, falling, being caught by a sheet of cloth, gravity, push, pull, traffic, taffic lights, red, orange, green, seen, sight, eyes, smoke kills, global warming, ice melting, water freezing, heat, fire, logs, trees, seeds, flowers, branches, limbs, broken, medical assistance, growth, child, vocabluary building, English langauge of mathematics, building blocks of reality, Matrix movie, Benjamin Button movie, Day The Earth Stood Still movie, Coccoon movies, ET movie, The Goonies, piano, keys, sound signatures, notes, tones, music, alones, private, public buildings, library, Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, a person in rapport with their subconscious mind, physics, philosophy, the art of contemplation, full circle inside ones thoughts, time travels from the present into the furture and back to the present, never into the E tone alone Earth not in its normal nature energy state, light too weak when travelling into the human eyes and ears, input feed, mental spirit-being mind nourishment, food for thought, where is your mood taking you?, incorrect psychiatry attitude, Youtube by Earl Nightingale, How to Have That One Big Idea by Marc Stewart (genius, end of story, God's glory, God Code, clues given by God inside Hollywood movies, by scene set-ups, by dialogue given by filling the mind of writers with the God Code, ode, words within words, rhyming code, dechiper, the end of violence and disease), a universal spirit of friendship the world over led by young people everywhere, play the family dice board game Sangreal amagic empowerment . . . some do . . . some don't have a beautiful mind!

The above is given as an actual account of how the mind should and will flow when given a chance to fly not crawl. I have a 17th century book. With lessons for children. The first one I read was advice for getting rid of a salesman at the door. We have been dumbed down by a force anti-human. Fight the good fight. Reveal his or her fire truck into the night, fright, to get IT (the object of his or her mental capacity) right on the night, not this E noise static blight but rather their minds put to flight in C tones of delight. Put to what is right. Their minds allowed to roam free into the highest form of thinking rhyme and poetry. As God's secret art is God's ability to place any fully formed thought into anyones mind. And words that rhyme led a merry dance into genius word associations. Self-image being where your child is now perhaps the victim of a past failure. Place all failures in the past and leave them all behind by establishing where they are weak and know that they have been thinking along these lines: I am a failure at math, I am a failure at English. Have them stop these distructive I am statements to their subconscious mind and rather have them say I am good at math. I am good at English etc.

And if you learn only one thing for yourself and for them your children. Let it be that for them and you. Every thought you have is perfect for you, unless you or they think (I am )otherwise. In fact know that the genius wizard of the classroom, double his or her grades mentality is too see each and every thought in them as being always on the same footing importance neither bad nor good but rather equal. The word from the God Code inside Marc Stewart's How to Have That One Big Idea is MURDER which backwards is REDRUM. Being the energy of the planet Earth not being normal and natural is causing the water inside you as your blood to be intoxicating. However up until the day your child turns 21. You can train them in the way they will go. Give them and yourself this affirmation. Prior to sleep and read upon waking.

I know that class time is an idea in Divine Mind. It symbolizes learning. I recognize learning as a means of growth. All of God's ideas are good. Learning is good for me. I am using my learning wisely, and constructively. I am using learning to bless humankind. I am rejoicing in its circulation. God's ideas are instantly available for me. Learning of all kinds flows to me in avalanches of abundance. My relationship to learning is friendly. It is a symbol of God's wealth and infinite abundance. The idea of learning is always present in me. I am one with all the learning in the world. I use it for good only.

Now if life gets in the way. And your child forgets to recite the above. It will mean only that they no longer need it. As their subconscious has already accepted these thoughts and is acting upon them in a doing manner in your childs life. Suggest they may take it up again as they approach their exams.

Make a business card sized piece of thin card. And on one side write:

 I have faith as a mustard seed. I can

 learn easily all I need to know daily.

And on the other side write: I can do all things through almighty God which  strengtheneth me.

Teach them visualization as Albert Einstein said, „Imagination is more powerful than knowledge, it encircles the world“. Visualization of being good at math, good at English, good at science. There is of course a classroom wizard trick for science as well. And it comes with the same warning as math but it is a lot harder to lose its appeal by way of contempt.

Science Trick

You can teach your child this when they reach the age of seven, before this they can teach you. Hen you look upon a creature, a plant, a rock a thing of the natural world. Look at what you know and then ask what can you tell me about yourself. And other thoughts will flow immediately into your minds free space. Then begin to use poerty to rhyme words if anything like this comes into your mind. Rather normally it is next a matter of word association with the same style of word and ideas exchange that I did to create the long list earlier regarding the firetruck!

Enquiry, the asking of a question at anytime is the most powerful way to learn. Knock and the door to the subconscious mind will open unto you. Ask and thou shalt receive learning. Seek out the source (subconscious) and you will find IT (the object of your greatest belief).

And in closing the magic word is attitude. If he or she has the attitude they cannot learn. They will not. Think the opposite and they will learn. Or if you or his or her teacher believes he or she cannot learn. This belief will become manifest, will become real in his or her life. In other words adopt the CAN DO attitude. And protect your childs mind. By giving them this one phrase from God. Which will open the door to higher grades in their class time. And in their home work. This one phrase which is all-powerful and capable of making the transformation in them you are seeking.