Life with Daniel by Julie Anne Armstrong - HTML preview

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Her Majesty’s Courts of Justice of England and Wales are the civil and criminal courts responsible for the administration of justice in England and Wales; they apply English law, the law of England and Wales, and are established under Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

The Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Crown Court, the Magistrates’ Court, and the County Court are administered by Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service, an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice.

I have witnessed first hand the cost-cutting corruption, the deceit, the almighty power that is Her Majesty’s Law Courts.

At a young age my first police contact was back in 2000, some sixteen years ago, I was eleven at the time, the offence was possessing an offensive weapon in a public place, my first ever real crime, carrying a bladed article, I was given an official reprimand.

Again in 2000 I was charged with causing annoyance/unneeded anxiety, probably what one would call a Pin Notification these days, me and my friend were making threatening phone calls from a public telecoms system.

This time in 2003 at the age of fourteen I was found guilty of Taking without owners consent (TWOC), driving without a license and insurance I had boosted my first car, a black Suzuki Vitara 4×4 Convertible.

A year later an argument with the family ensued, I poured white paint all down the stairs of my house, locked my parents in the house and took off, only to be found by the police and taken to the police station, where I was searched and in possession of Cannabis Resin, a class C drug at the time. I received a conditional discharge for 12 months.

I enjoyed my pre-teenage years, it was full of adventure and mischievous behaviour, Unfortunately I use to fight with the local gangs a lot, they always used weapons or bricks so I had a tendency arm myself with weapons.

It was not until 2006 at the age of Seventeen when I was charged with my next offence, possessing an offensive weapon in a public place. This time I was carrying a knuckle duster around Amble Lynx, a caravan park.

I do not know how I managed to end up in Bedlington Police station, I woke up the next morning with a ton of money in my back pocket and a sore back. What I remember of the night is a drunken haze of madness, insane drug fuelled parties and one knocked out friend.

Apparently I had went into a rage in the caravan and punched this male in the forehead, knocking him unconscious.

The other male I was with rang the police and told them I had took off, I was drunk trying to get back to Newcastle at 3am in the morning with a sports bag. I received 40 hours community work, a £30 fine and the order for destruction of the knuckle duster.

Again in 2006, I was arrested on suspicion of assault causing actual bodily harm, no evidence offered and the charge was – dismissed. I was also arrested on suspicion of common assault and another charge of actual bodily harm, both dismissed with no further action.

A year later when I was eighteen I was arrested and charged with attempted robbery, apparently it was a police officer’s son and when the case went to Newcastle Crown Court at a pre-trial hearing it was kicked out, because the police failed to collect CCTV evidence, I went not guilty and no evidence was offered from the prosecution. I remember the very stocky, bald police man sitting in the witness stand, he was an officer from Northumbria Police, he wanted to hurt me so bad.

I feel it was about this time that the oppression from the police began, it was at this very moment that Northumbria Police wanted me, and they tried everything they could to get me.

Two years later and I am in trouble with the police again, one in February with a charge of Affray, and then another charge in August of 2009 when I moved to Scotswood, this time, another charge of Affray, both resulting in no further action.

It was not till a month later and I was again wanted for burglary and theft of a dwelling, again no further action was taken.

A year later in 2010 I was arrested on suspicious of theft from a motor vehicle, no further action, and another charge in November of that year for theft, again, no further action.

I was involved in a lot of trouble as a kid, I thought it was just all part of growing up, fighting, using weapons, it’s all advertised on the TV and movies, It all influenced our childhood.

Later on I started to get involved in more serious crimes, if my crimes were not already serious enough. Late in December 2010 and I am walking into a newsagents in Fenham, a urban area in the West End of Newcastle and I start threatening the shop keeper with a hammer, I was charged with racially aggravated fear and provocation of violence, I received a 12 month conditional discharge and that was that.

A year later in 2011 and I was again questioned on robbery, no further action was taken.

In the summer month I was arrested on suspicious of damage of property, witness intimidation, and intent to obstruct, pervert or interfere with justice. No Further action was taken.