Life with Daniel by Julie Anne Armstrong - HTML preview

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A Brief History


Daniel was placed for adoption in September 1997.

Prior to the placement he had spent five years in foster care.

In 1994 a Nurse therapist had, by this time, been seeing Daniel inconsistently for two and a half years for behavioural management, following the death of his sister.

Rehabilitation of Daniel with his birth father was explored, his father withdrew – partly due to his difficulties in dealing with Daniel’s behaviour, and due to the tension/conflict that existed between him and his former wife.

Daniel is the first born child of both his parents.

His mother brought him up from birth to four and a half years, since which time other than two very brief periods with her in 1994, he has been in foster care.

His parents were living together when he was born in February 1989, and married in September 1989.

They separated in December of that year, thus Daniel has only lived with his father a very brief period.

In April 1993 his mother made a referral to Social Services department stating that her brother had tied Daniel up. In November 1993 a referral was made by Dr. Syed, a Psychiatrist from Manchester that Daniel needed a foster placement.

Daniel’s mother was born and brought up in the Ashton area of Manchester, and attended local mainstream schools. His father also comes from a local Tameside family.

Since leaving school he has had long spells of unemployment, with placements on training schemes, working in sport shops and running local pubs.

“Daniel is a lively, talkative, cheerful boy, interested in everything. He is full of questions about everything in his environment and is a pleasure to talk with or take out. He has blue eyes and mid-brown, a fair complexion and is quite stocky in build.”