Mom Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Chapter 4




As you grow, you will have to leave home or you have possible left before reading this. You are in a place called a school. Your mom trusts the ability of your teachers to tutor you towards that dream she sees about you. She realizes that, well; she cannot do all the mentoring alone. She needs help. That help she draws from a reservoir of teachers who will mentor you through the needs of the academic world. She appreciates the ability of those gifted teachers at school and believes absolutely in their ability to mentor you just the way she would desire them to. Do not forget that your mom remains your best teacher yet she allows this part of the job to others so that you will be a more complete person. She realizes the limitations she may have and has discovered that those salient gifts she wants you to have are in the privy of those teachers.

Mom is not a lawyer, doctor, nurse, engineer etc. She is not everything, but a great mom. Because you want to be a lawyer, you have to attend a law school. To be an engineer, you would have to attend a school of engineering. However, your mom is confident that the best she wants for you is within the trust of those teachers at school. She believes your teachers are the instruments God will use to bring you to the best she wants for you and she is ready to pay the price. She is sacrificing all her time and resources to ensure you achieve what you want to achieve.

Teachers are God’s gift to every child. Daniel Duchene thinks the real teachers are the ones who work with kids. Mothers recognize this and they give their total support to ensure teachers have a field day monitoring their kids. As you grow, you too will recognize the role your teachers play and you will thank God for them. A teacher does not meet all your academic needs. No! You meet a lot of them over your academic lifetime. Some may be welcoming while others may not. Either case, your mother believes in them all the same. Your mom would want you to obey and reverence your teachers just the way you would do to her.

Every teacher understands that the best teacher a child has is mom and the teacher often refer to moms being a huge support to their kids. They believe that mothers who collaborate with them in bringing up their kids would make their work easy. Mothers have being sources of inspiration for many great achievers. Teachers are aware of this and they encourage mothers to take a lead role in ensuring the success of their children. You must therefore love your teacher as you would love your mom. Both are teachers sent to God for you.

Remember, even if your schoolteacher fails in keeping up to their responsibility, it is normal that they fail in their responsibilities; your mother will always come handy. H.W Beecher asserts that the mother’s heart is the child’s classroom. Your mother comes second only to God in teaching and building you up. Your mother is a great teacher.

Mothers are always appreciative of teachers. I remember those little days when my mom, a teacher would come back home smiling with an envelope. She always gave in her best to ensure her students left better than they came. I was her student, no sentiments about it. She always taught the foundational class. She felt great pride when once a student who she did not recognize accosted her on the road and shouted that is my teacher! That is the teachers’ pride.

Your mom would want your teacher to have the same pride too in knowing that they were the instruments God used to guide you in the path of success. Because your success is her pride, she is doing her best to encourage the teachers at school on how best to ensure you come through that great chap.

Your teacher takes delight in ensuring your mom’s goals and desires to make the best out of you are achieved. The teacher may try out many strategies. They are making sure that they are putting in the right input just the way mom would want it.

Have you ever wondered, who thought you how to say your first words, walk etc.? Your mom did. You did not have to go to school. She had developed a great curriculum without having to go through any rigorous process. She taught you to speak based on an indigenous curriculum transferred naturally from her mom. She taught you your first language. Mom is a great teacher. She is referred to as your best teacher. Scott Brooks notes; “I believe this with all my heart. The greatest coach of all times is my mom. She’s instilled in me toughness and perseverance and just a never quit mentality...”You may be wandering how. She perhaps has no degree in education, why is she so prowess in this art. This is because the motherly cord attraction between two of you makes the learning process easier.

Scientists have not been able to define the nature of the relationship between mother and child. Psychologists though have tried to proffer patterns relating mothers with their children. The solution though is not certain. This is because God makes the mother and child relationship a strong special cord or bond. It becomes much easier for information transfer between mother and child. Teachers at school recognize this that is why they oblige mothers to ensure they do their part of the bargain. Mothers have an inspiring way of motivating their kids. The way they do is special. They show great courage and perseverance in the face of a challenging child rearing experience.

Your mom knows how far you can go and she is ready to bend her strategy to suit your limitations. Mom is very flexible. At every step you turn, she knows how to get at you. She has all the strategies in her palms. The only limitation mum has is that she does not know all academic fields. Just like every human, she has her downside and strong side. Alice Walker writes of his mom, “Yes mother, I can see you are flawed, you have not hidden it. This is your greatest gift to me.” Even in areas where she is less able to comprehend, she is still capable of passing the information to her child better than the average teacher would, so psychologists say.

Teaching is mom’s first nature. She is always apt to teach carrying along with her great virtues and passing them right into you. You are mom’s best student. Mom does not want you to be a failed student. She wants to join the ranks of mother teachers who have written and rewritten the stories of their kids. She understands her role and is determined to play out that role to its fullest.

Your mom is different from your teachers at school. She is not the everyday teacher. While your teachers at school are great in their own way, your mom surpasses them all. Your teachers at school know this and do not want to in anyway try to compare themselves with your mom.


For you to be the best, you must look up to your mom for that teaching gift God has given her just for you. Do not underrate what she can do so that you can say like David Rockefeller says of his mom, “I owe much to my mom, she had an expert understanding of issues and also approached art emotionally.” Your mom is just the answer you need for that difficult sum.