You should proceed slowly, regardless of what the age of your child may be. Experts say that you shouldn’t abruptly withhold your breast, as they results can be traumatic. You should however, try these methods instead:
1. Skip a feeding - Skip a feeding and see what happens, offering a cup of milk to your baby instead. As a substitue, you can use a bottle of your own pumped milk, formula, or a cow’s milk. If you reduce feedings one at a time, your child will eventually adjust to the changes.
2. Shorten feeding time - You can start by cutting the length of time your child is actually at the breast. If the normal feeding time is 5 minuts, try 3. Depending on the age, follow the feeding with a healthy snack. Bed time feedings are usually the hardest to wean, as they are normally the last to go.
3. Postpone and distract - You can postpone feedings if you are only feeding a couple of times per day. This method works great if you have an older child you can actually reason with. If your child wants the breast, say that you’ll feed later then distract him.
If you’ve tried everything and weaning doesn’t seem to be working at all, maybe the time just isn’t right. You can wait just a bit longer to see what happens, as your child and you have to determine the right time to wean together.