Mom's Letters by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Dear Mom,

I do not come from space. I am a result of your marriage to dad. Dad searched for a woman, one he could love and cherish. He found you. He believed in you absolutely and decided with Divine guidance that you would be great together. I know that my birth into this world was not mysterious but it came through you and dad getting to know each other.

Mom, you made a vow with dad to keep the sanctity of marriage. You vowed to keep it for better for worse until death does the parting. Everyone saw your huge smiles as you agreed before the magistrate and the church. You were so glad that you were finally leaving the singles club. The truth is that the challenge of being a wife did not just stop at marriage during great times. It was a choice you made for challenging times too.

You do have to remember that divorce was not mentioned as an option in your agreement. It was marriage forever, together, no matter the odds. I know what the marriage oath means. My siblings and I do watch the way you deal with conflicts between you and dad. When you make those threats of divorce, we feel sad. We do know just like the proverb “when two elephants fight the ground suffer” we will be the sufferers. I do appreciate and I know my siblings do the feeling of having you two together as one. We acknowledge that it is not so easy with you both but you strive to make ends meet. By your united stance, we are learning strength in unity.

Mom, I do cherish your motherly advice and shepherding that you offer my siblings and i. you sure have great parenting talents but I know too that you are not like jack who is super talented, dad’s got parenting talents too that we have to tap from. You do show weak attributes sometimes and in dad, we can find the manly strength of character. God was not wrong when he made you for dad. He knew you both had to support each other talent for talent, skill for skill, ability for ability.

You are a morale booster mom. I do acknowledge the encouragement you have showed during challenging times with dad and though you may not realize I watch, I watch and my siblings too. If you choose to quit this marriage then you are passing across the fact that you did not love dad and you do not love us your kids.

Your role as wife is only to dad. Great moms do not flirt. They keep to their responsibility and choose to be responsible. Irresponsible women go looking for men who would satisfy their basal urges. Such women do not value their marriage vows. You vow to stay put with dad and it will be highly irresponsible of you to go lusting after other men.

God eschews broken marriages. His purpose from the beginning was to have them male and female as husband and wife. He never created a divorce opportunity. He made marriage an earth lasting bond.

Mom, I do want you to know that the secret of very successful people is having parents together praying and planning towards their success. It is such an interesting life growing with both parents together in the home. I want to grow with this experience having to see you and mom grow old together.

The secret of healthy children is a happy family. The truth is that when there is happiness and peace in the home, the environment is thus healthy for our growth. I value this relationship, and love to develop a relationship just like yours with my spouse when it is the right time. By faithfully working with dad, I can faithfully trust your words.

Keep your agreement with dad. God knows that the best my siblings and I can get is you and dad being together in unity.

With love

Your beloved daughter.