My Dear Son 02 by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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2. Theme: Love and Friendship are illusions. Know this:

(1) Illusion can be defined as a state of mind when an apparently non-existent object or phenomenon appears to exist or an existent Phenomenon appears non-existent.

 (2) Love and friendship take birth and die in one’s mind.

(3) It is part of the trick-pack played by nature / God / a Superior force which easterners understand as Maya, to keep all forms of life in a cycle of Birth- Growth - Reproduction -Death.

 (4) While love disappears at some stage in youth, friendship accompanies man till his end.

(5) A friend is defined as some one who helps you in a difficult situation , without seeking a reward or return.

(6) It is the weak among us who look at friendship as a Divine intervention to bail themselves out when in trouble. This is the important reason for people to glorify friendship.

(7) Take any definition of a good friendship, and ask yourself to whom you would be such a good friend. You will not find an answer. Ask as many as you know. None will have.

 The problem is that every one is looking for such an ideal friend, who would be a man Friday for him.

(8) Very rarely people get along well for a long time. The team of two . There could be more reasons for the relationship to last than going strictly by the definition of friendship.

 (9)More often, friendship between two expands to a team. Typically the members will have divergent socio-economic back grounds. Every one looks for some specific aspect of life from others. Examples are:

Money, a shoulder to cry, muscle power, official position, to run errands, sing their praise and so on. When these are met even national , the ties last long.

 (10) Most friendships break up some day leaving a bitter feeling among the members of the team.When I explained this to my co-travelers in the van, for the first time, many protested violently. A couple of days latter they congratulated me silently. This is a very good story to illustrate the typical scenario.