Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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across may seem, they are very important to the cycle of development.

 Abraham Lincoln was showing an example to parents who should see the good that they could make out of their difficult wards however difficult they are.

No child is beyond the power of change. However challenging a child poses, there is always a turning point. That child may be posing a big challenge today but he can change if you persist on training him right. That challenging child is only a challenge you must challenge and like every challenge, you must win. That was what Abraham Lincoln was trying to say.

Parents have to stand behind their wards, encourage them, and let them see the good that can come out from them if they choose to do right. Children with character challenges or any other challenges have to be encouraged to see themselves as normal persons who can exist as normal people do.

It is often surprising to observe how some kids are placed on the sidelines because of their seemingly negative traits. The truth is when we focus on the negative traits of the people we see around us, we often force our eyes close to the positive traits that are also attributes of these persons. Everyone has something to offer. Rather than fuse on those negative traits we can pull through and help the kids direct their energies towards making positive impact on their life.

Teachers have a huge responsibility to build confidence in their wards. They have to let their students understand that though they may have differing traits; they can focus their minds and make positive impact. No child is a walkover.

Teachers have to keep their hands and classroom open. Do not give preferential treatment to some section of the class. In school, all students deserve equal attention even when their abilities defer.

Many kids develop negative traits because they feel they were not useful to the system and cannot fit into the system. These kids fall into depression thus becoming easy prey for persons who would negatively influence them.

 Parents must realize that they have as a responsibility to ensure they guide and guard their wards by influencing them positively. At home, parents should ensure they guard against unequal treatment amongst their wards.

Do not declare any child or person as finished except you are ready to pull them up from their finished state. Give them the chance to believe in themselves and develop confidence in what they can do. Let them know, what they can do is very important to the overall success of the group in which they belong and the community in general. By doing this, you are helping them develop self-confidence that will allow them raise their heads high in the face of challenging circumstances.

Many kids once thought not to have capacity to achieve great feats have managed to come around their weaknesses and achieve great things. The world contains many never do wells that have had their stories changed because someone had picked them up; turn their disaster into success stories. That child deserves all the believe he can get even if he is getting it all wrong now.

Teachers owe the world the duty to believe. That is why parents run to them. Even when parents are losing confidence on their wards capabilities and abilities, good teachers must provide the necessary advice to parents on how to help their wards achieve the heights they would love to see their wards achieve

Remember, God made every child and he made every child well. Parents are only bows and teachers are the strings. we hope that the bows of parents will be strong enough while the teacher’s strings will be taut enough to shoot those kids to great heights.