Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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careful, those guys gunning for me also want you.” This could have driven fear through the young man so that he decided he would standalone and be by himself. Such is the situation of many kids.

Some parents are very powerful and they often find themselves under threat. Parents do know that those who want their lives could also take that of their wards so they protect their wards and advice their wards to be cautious of the people around them. Oftentimes parents overly become cautious thus imbibing in their wards fear and the lack of freedom to interact with people, even their peers.

Lincoln son’s observation of his dad had affected his relationships. Abraham Lincoln observed that if he had to change his son’s mentality, he had to do something fast else his child may never achieve his aspirations. He had to inform the teacher to teach him that however the enemies he had had through his political journey, he had also had great friends who have being of help to him through all the challenges. Abraham Lincoln wanted his son to recognize that if he had taken everyone as enemies, he would not have gotten the votes that made him president of the United States of America.

While children are to be cautious, parents have the duty to provide the environment for purposeful friendship between their wards and other children in their neighborhood. Though parents do have to protect their wards, they must give their wards the opportunity to develop themselves by keeping friendly relationship with people around them. Parents do have a duty to check on the friends of their wards, know about them and when they do certify the positive state of their wards friends, they should support such friendships.

Teachers should also develop a friendly disposition between themselves and their students. As the closest mature friends after parents, there is a need to open the communication link between their pair. Teachers should observe students behavior in class with their peers and admonish them to develop a friendly disposition amongst themselves. Children should learn to avoid rancor and divisive attributes amongst themselves and learn to work harmoniously together.

Sometimes, however careful students are, they still fall prey to persons who come in the cloak of friends. Even mature persons fall into these traps. At other times, physically abused wards find it difficult interacting with others who they passive to have the same attribute as their abusers. This strains their interaction with people as they grow up.

Students who go through such difficult challenges require help and positive advice so that they can overcome this period in their lives.

As much as we do have enemies, there are good friends too who are ready to stand with us during challenging times. Children have to learn the process of developing good friends. They should learn to make friends with people who can positively influence their lives and make them better persons in the future.

Abraham Lincoln’s words for his son were words telling him he does not have to keep enemies anyway. Even if people position themselves as enemies, he must strive to build a friendly disposition towards them. Enemies could turn out to be good friends.

Parents and teachers are to advice their wards on ensuring they do not keep enemies rather when they do have problems, they should strive to iron out such issue with the person in which they have problems with and come to terms with each other.

Your wards have to develop a friendly disposition, you never can tell, their friends may just be their source of success.