Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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again. Not an idea the child would reply. Lincoln himself observed that he had not being opportune to learn early which thus retarded his fast development

Having a child learn early from childhood puts the child at a higher pedestal among his peers. Kids’ brains are fast to grasp at an early age than when they have advanced. They believe everything told them, and will always hold on to the words given by their parents and teachers at school. The academic systems of many nations have a place for daycare, nursery, and primary schools with curriculum meant to inculcate early knowledge that will be useful for life

Parents have to realize that they do have to plan for the education of their wards from an early age. Your wards do not have to grow old before you plan for their education. From the very day a child steps into the world, parents should begin planning how best to position their children in the school of life.

Abraham Lincoln noted that if the teacher wants to make meaningful impact on his son, he must do it now when the young man is still young, subordinating, and willing because it would be difficult to educate him when he is grown. He said let him learn early. When a child learns early, he understands and easily grasps the principles that would take him through life with ease. The child will not make mistakes having known the path he should take, and how to take them, early in life.

There are things a child needs to learn early in life. There must be a demarcation of what a child needs to know at an early age. Children should learn to be cautious, respect elders, and be obedient to rules and regulations from an early age. The basic teaching curriculum of many countries state categorically what children should know and how the teacher should impart it to them. Teachers should follow the curriculum and ensure that they transfer all the knowledge to the children.

The media, though a good influence, it has had a negative influence on children. Children are not to be exposed to visuals that will corrupt their knowledge. Sex, crimes and other immoral images are now been depicted on our televisions to the uncensored view of children. Parents are to guard against such nuisance and to watch to ensure their wards are not viewing implicit materials when they are away. As much as a child has to learn early, he has to learn the right things.

Teachers are to be in watch, as schools are now becoming centers for transfer of illicit materials uncensored for children. Teachers have to help guard children from such materials by ensuring they bring children to knowledge why such things are wrong and to let them know that punishment is reserved to any one engaging in such act. Teachers should also punish students who default before others. This will be a deterrent to others who were doing it but were not caught and those who had desired to do same.

The media today has so much impact on young minds but it is consistently producing programmes for adult viewers. While educational programmes should be encouraged on television especially during periods when the children are watching, the television censor board should encourage the censoring of what goes to the airwaves especially as they know a good percentage of those that watch television are children.