Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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much as possible, his son should learn to take his time to ponder on books

We are aware the power of the pen. As mighty as it is, it would be useless if there were no means of communicating the ideas and knowledge the pen has written and to keep it for future posterity. Books come in as storage. The end is to allow future readers have the opportunity to read them. Abraham Lincoln had many books. He had a library of them and he often spent his quiet moments prying over them. The books gave him knowledge of what he had not known and thus positioned him for the future encumbrances.

Children need to know the power in books. They need to learn good reading techniques, and develop their reading capacity. They need to be encouraged to read books, grasp the knowledge entwined and use them in their everyday life. They are to develop their reading capacity as they grow, thus developing their vocabulary too. Children who read often stand out. That is where the cliché “readers are leaders” come in. If parents do want their children to lead the class, they have to help the child develop a liking for books from an early age

Teachers at school do have to deal with books and they mentor students on how to read their books. So much as the students do have to read schoolwork, teachers have to provide the platform for gainful reading where the students read and interact with the other students. By the students doing this, they develop themselves and feel confident about themselves.

Books are not for academic purposes only. All fields of endeavor have books written in them to enlighten the mind on the area deemed fit for enlightenment. Scholars often have to research and make studies that often influence how the world runs. To be at par with this knowledge and not to sound archaic, there has to be a conscious need to undergo self-development without the privy of teachers. Teachers’ responsibility is to teach how to find pleasure in books but the onions have to be on the students who should persistently seek knowledge.

Books are a wonder, but they sometimes could be a nuisance. Some authors write books with ulterior motives. They write to arouse immoral thoughts thus destroying the mind of the reader.

Parents are to guide their wards on the right books from their tender age so that as they grow, the kind of books they should read entwines with their thought system. Teachers also have a duty to check on the type of literature their wards at school are reading. As caretakers, they have to ensure that within their privy, the students are gulping in the right words.

Parents should develop an enabling environment for their wards to develop a reading habit. They should create home libraries and stocked them with books good enough to develop the mind and character of the child.

Schools administrators have a duty too to ensure they build and stock libraries with books to encourage their wards to read. Teachers have to teach their wards how to use the library and encourage them to make good use of it.

Teachers do have to arouse the minds of the students by giving them task that they would have to go search for information. The teachers should encourage the students to write down the source of their information.

In today’s world, the hard cover books are been slowly out-phased by electronic books. The internet now provides enormous information that is within the privy of readers much more they would have anticipated if they were to be in books.

If Abraham Lincoln were in our time, he would have asked his son’s teacher to teach his son how to use the internet. Abraham Lincoln would have used the internet himself. The internet is a resource ground of knowledge from many authors. Teachers have to appreciate the internet for purposeful learning and encourage their wards to make good use of the internet. Though the internet also has its vices, students should be guided right to make good use of the internet. Parents while being encouraged to get home computer systems for their wards should ensure that the systems are firewalled against the adult content.

Remember when you read, you lead.