Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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their action as wrong, and chose to stand-alone and fight against them.

As a true leader that he was, he knew that the persons at high positions often wanted to have their way against the already marginalized low-level compatriots. He had a strong distaste for their action thus; he would often defend the people against them. This placed him at opposition.

Abraham Lincoln has continued to be heralded long after those he opposed, because he chose to stand, fight, and die fighting for what he considered as right, killed him. In his words to his son’s teacher, he desired his son to carry on with this great principle, carrying on a Lincoln dynasty based on standing and fighting for the right.

The first question though that comes to mind is “do you like the right?” do you not like to be offered preferential treatment even when you are not worthy of it? Do you not like to drive against traffic and defend yourself even when you are caught? Do you even know what is right?

Every country has set down rules and regulations entwined in the constitution of the land. There are also punishments made for those who contravene the set down rules. However, often, those who sleep in the corridors of power have made themselves gods for which these laws have no effect. They create the laws would be fast to condemn them but themselves are the breakers of the laws. Is this right? No! This attributes are condemnable.

Everyone has to know his or her rights. How? Teachers have the responsibility to tutor their wards on what the law states from their young age. Many persons do not know that there are laws that protect them from prejudice. There should be a reorientation of minds and the first place it has to begin is in the young minds.

Teachers are in the right position to transfer this knowledge, meaning that they do need to know what the law states, read the nation’s constitution, and learn how to get redress on matters affecting them from it.  Children need to know they have a right to basic human rights as well as special child rights.

Parents play a massive role too in this reorientation process. Do parents know that their children have rights? Many parents do not know. They feel their wards are their products so they treat them without second thought. Parents need to know that their wards are humans and do have a right that must be protected.

Those rights are entrenched in the child right laws of their country and the United Nations. You need to guide your wards and not abuse them as they have a right, which has to be protected. Children need to understand they have rights too. They need to know these rights and know how to seek redress from situations that contravene their rights.

Regardless of size or age, everyone have a right. We should not accept been trodden under feet when we can take legal action against such acts. No one is above the law and when one seeks to force privileges not theirs, someone has to stand up to them. You do not have to cower to their cheer brutality because you feel they are too big for you. You have to stand and fight if you think you are right and you do have a right to fight. Rather than keep silence and been punched in some person’s punching bag, you have to speak out and seek ways of defending yourself applying legal tools within the jurisdiction of the law made available.

Abraham Lincoln defended people. Whom do you defend? Do you choose to stand with those who maltreat others or you choose to stand and defend the lowly maltreated people? To be a celebrated hero, you have to stand and defend the truth and the right. That is the only secret to becoming a true hero like Abraham Lincoln was.