Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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There are situations in life that sometimes demand we cry. The death of close people could be so painful that puts us in dire situation where we cannot just hide our tears. Abraham Lincoln had lost so many persons in his life. He lost his wife and his children. He knew what grief meant and had enormous experience with grief. He so associated with people who had lost people in their lives and though he strived to encourage them, he could not but associate with their grief. His tears often betrayed him. He knew that he was not the only one feeling that way. His son also felt the same way having lost his mother and siblings. He desired his son to know that he has a right to his tears. Not crying is not a sign of power. He had to free his mind and shed those when he had to.

Sometimes we are grief filled but we choose to hide our tears because we are ashamed the people around will say “what are you crying about?” get off that. You have a right to shed your tears. Crying is not wrong and you have let it out when you do feel heavy with it.

Children often are fast to shed their tears. They cry when they feel cheated or hurt. Unlike older persons who have the capability to bear pain and situations, children do not bear so long. Tears drip from their eyes. Parents need to teach their wards that there is no shame in crying out when they feel hurt. They could cry out for help in situations they feel not favorable. Many parents abhor the sight of their wards’ tears. They treat their wards like animal and expect them to keep quiet at the pain.

Tears are part of everyday life. So much as there are periods of joy, tearful moments are part of the deal. It is not wrong to cry if you feel pain. Parents have to allow their wards understand that they have to cry with crying people.

Feel the pain along with those who are in pain and be joyful with those who are joyful. What makes your child feel down casted should make you feel same. Children appreciate people who feel what they feel and a strong cord is developed when they observe that the other person like them understand what pain they are going through.

Teachers at school should be welcoming and on the look out to observe some attribute changes in their wards. They should observe when they are down casted and sorrowful and strive to appease or make them happy. Teachers should have large hands and be a succor and an encouragement during turbulent times. They should know that their wards are not angels but humans as well who feel hurt and discouraged about situations that trouble them.

Abraham Lincoln words “teach him there is no shame in tears” is a responsibility on every teacher, a responsibility to ensure that children appreciate the beauty in sharing the pains and tears along with others. Every parent would desire and appreciate this just as Lincoln did.