Parents Teachers Partnership by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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passing to all teachers. He wanted his son to develop a bit of caution in dealing with people and expect that sometimes he could get negative treatment from the persons he was dealing with against his expectation.

Every parent’s silent words carry Abraham’s Lincoln’s words. You hear parents say, “do not trust anyone, be careful when you deal with people, and don’t follow any one, come straight home once you are through at school.” Parents are often cautious having had experiences in life. They know not all men are just.

As much as Abraham Lincoln knew that not all men are just, he still threw his confidence at his son’s teacher. He had a darning confidence in this teacher to carry out his orders.


Because not all men are true, teachers are to advice parents on ensuring that the safety of their wards is given priority. As depository of knowledge, teachers also know that life is not safe at all. They want their wards safe and like parents, they also advice their wards to be cautious of the friends they keep and the people around them and to flee if they do observe any untoward traits around them.

Life requires some degree of cautiousness. Not all persons are who we think they are. Some are sheep clothed while they are ravening wolves inside. Some teachers have such traits. As part of their training, teachers receive instruction on best teaching practices. However, sometimes we could have bad eggs. These bad eggs, as small as they are, often spoil the whole basket giving the negative impression that all teachers are the same.

There have been teachers who have had carnal knowledge of students under their jurisdiction. This situation has created some level of distrust especially in institutes of higher learning. The trend is finding its way into our colleges and high schools. This phenomenon has to be checked before it destroys the sanctity of our academic institutions.

Some parents on the other hand too have negative influence on their wards. There have been reports of parents having carnal knowledge of their wards. They have destroyed trust and confidence where their wards should have being safe thus exposing their wards to more threat from external prey.

Not all men are just, not all men are true. Parents and teachers must keep this consciousness behind their minds. Protection of their wards must be of paramount importance from violence from within the home and from external predators. Students are to inculcate in themselves the consciousness that they are easy prey and must therefore be cautious as they deal with people.

Students should learn principles of making decisions as regard keeping friends. Friends could have good or bad influence on them. Parents and teachers are to check on the type of friends their wards keep and give advice where necessary.

Abraham Lincoln knew this and he is hoping teachers and parents take this lessons as they lead their wards.