The Family Board Meeting: You Have 18 Summers To Create Lasting Connection With Your Children by Jim Sheils - HTML preview

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It was then that I realized that you can have more than eighteen summers. I saw that quality time creates a kind of loophole in the equation— a way to get more out of time, no matter how little of it you may have together.

Too little time is a common challenge for all of us. In those moments when you feel you don’t have enough, ask yourself this:

Do you really need more time in order to connect with the people around you, or do you just need better time?



The lesson of this book is that time and quality time are not the same thing. I hope it’s abundantly clear by now that quality time is infinitely more valuable. And that means one magical thing: no matter where you are in your life, you can create quality time with your kids.

In seven years, I have never missed a Board Meeting with my children. Making it a priority not only strengthened our family but gave me an anchor during some of the stormiest moments in business and life. My goal in writing this book is to give you the tools and the knowledge to do the same thing.

We’ve discussed real-life examples of how the Board Meetings strategy works. We’ve examined why it’s so effective, and we’ve looked at each of the steps in detail. I hope by now you feel a sense of urgency about connecting with your child. I hope you’re ready to take action.

Still, I know some readers won’t do it, despite the simplicity and all the benefits. This makes me sad because