The Truth About Toys for Infants and the Need to Resist Rampant Consumerism by David Elkind - HTML preview

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“Advertisers have no qualms about making unsubstantiated claims about the value of their products. In this way they build upon parents fears that they are ‘not doing enough’ for their children.”

There are ways you as parents can insulate yourselves from getting caught in the consumer net. It is important to find other parents who also feel as you do and who do not want to be pressured into buying unneeded toys and DVDs and to putting their infants into programs they believe are unnecessary and/or are unhealthy. It is also important to learn about healthy child development, from books, magazines and non-sponsored programs like There is a growing chorus of experts who are writing about the negative effects upon children of the new consumerism. With support from peers, and knowledge gained from the experts in the field, you will be better prepared to resist the pressures to buy your infants potentially harmful products and to put him or her in programs that have no demonstrated long term value.