Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Lost Minosaurs



The six Minosaurs flew in formation at almost breakneck speed to the edge of Jones Forest after their escape from the cave. They reached the shelter of the trees and abruptly their speed changed down and they all gathered around the base of a large tree in the middle of the forest, hovering and looking nervously around. A faint buzzing sound, almost like a beehive at work came from the Minosaur wings.

 Leesawold glanced around. “What place in this where we are?”

 Lyewold replied. “Don’t know. Doesn’t look like Nogardland to me.” Leesawold looked at Lyewold scornfully. “Course it not Nogardland you chummy. This place is where no one we have been before.”

 “Leesawold, you call me chummy again and I back-flip you to the ground.” Lyewold retorted angrily.

 Ozwold, the only Minosaur wearing a hat interjected in what sounded like a broad sounding Australian-like accent.

 “Oh here we go already. Five hundred thousand earth years in Great Harmonic and you two fight already.”

The fourth Minosaur, Texewold interrupted. “Now lookee here Minosaurs. We have to pull together. We have to know where we are, what world we’se in and what time we’se in isn’t that right Qoorkeelawold?”

 “Yes, I agree with Texewold. Stop all of you before I get madden. Now where is Greanwold? Why didn’t he follow us? And, where are six other Minosaurs?” Qoorkeelawold counted on her fingers. “1,2,3,4,5,6. There only six of us.” Texewold looked off into the distance. “Greanwold he left behind when that creature who freed us got in trouble and other six Minosaurs not escape.” “Well how in the Draegons name will Greanwold find us and how do we get Great Harmonic?” asked Leesawold.

 Lyewold gave a shiver. “Don’t mention Draegon. Makes me think of that awful Moa Constructor. Yuck! More important; we have to find Greanwold and find why other Minosaurs still in Great Harmonic.”