Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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The Mad Inventor



Inside Reywal’s rickety old castle, Reywal worked at a bench in his laboratory with a gas welder. Bunsen burners were burning, lights blinking on and off and there were all sorts of electronic equipment scattered over the various benches and tables. Reywal wore welding goggles and was welding the finishing touches to a device that resembled a video camera stand. Datslob stood beside him with his utility chest open. As Reywal finished welding he handed the welder to Datslob. He then held out his hand to Datslob.


 Datslob slapped a pair of pliers in his hand and said “Pliers.”


 Datslob slapped a wrench into his hand.



 Datslob absentmindedly looked up in the air, his mind obviously in another world. He held the burning welding torch in one hand. At Reywal’s request, he handed the welding torch to Reywal, burning end first.

 Reywal leapt in the air and held his sizzling hand “Aaaarrrrggggghhhhh. Datslob. You metal menace, you burnt my hand.”

 The welding torch, still alight and now lying on the floor, slowly rolled over and the flame set fire to the back of Reywal’s lab coat. Reywal ran around the lab holding his hand and finally dunked his hand into a big barrel of water. Great relief showed on his face. Then, he sniffed the air and glanced down. To his horror, he saw the flames licking the bottom of his lab coat and leapt in the air again and plunked himself, bottom first into the barrel of water.

A short while later, Datslob sat on a chair, firmly tied up in chains as Reywal stood over him.

 “Now my little metal friend…………” Reywal paused. “No more setting me on fire. You will stay there until I say so and no music for you tonight. Now, I have to finish building the Minosaur detector and the Krystil Transmodulater. You heard that big ugly dragon thing. Wealth beyond my imagination!!! Ha .I will have the wealth and we will see what Mr. Moa Constructor gets.”

 Reywal rubbed his hands and cackled. “Yes indeedy. No one messes with the great Reywal ……….” He leaned down so he was nose to nose with Datslob. “……. especially troublesome little robots”.

 Reywal straightened up and placed a hand on his heart area. He struck a pose and gazed up in the air.

 “As they say Datslob. No honor amongst thieves and I Reywal are the greatest ….”

 Datslob, his mouth obscured with duct tape, looked up at Reywal and mumbled. “Don’t interrupt you little iron scrap heap.” Reywal snapped. “Now , if you behave yourself and promise, promise not to set me on fire any more, I‘ll free you. However, if you persist in acting like the delinquent young person you are then you shall stay tied here for the next month and get no supper….. I mean music. Am I perfectly clear?”

 Datslob looked somewhat chastised and repentant, nodded his head. Reywal pulled the duct tape from Datslob’s mouth.

 “Well?” he inquired.

 Datslob rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. “Yes boss. Ok. I’m sorry I set you alight and I promise not set you alight on purpose anymore.” Reywal eyed the robot with one eyebrow arched. He gave a sigh and removed the chains from around the robot while providing him with new instructions. “Alright. Now you little tin can. I want you to bring the Reywalmobile around and gas it up. This time. Fill the tank up! I do not want to be running out of gas on the freeway again. It was very embarrassing having to hitchhike and then get picked up by a kiddiesschoolvan. Criminy buckets, me, Reywal, the greatest criminal mind of ……………….”

 Datslob muttered under his breath “………………. of the  dinosaur age.”

 Reywal cocked a hand to an ear. “What. What was that about dinosaurs?” Datslob replied loudly. “I was saying you are the greatest criminal mind since the age of the dinosaurs.”

 Reywal clapped Datslob on the shoulder. “Ah yes. That’s my boy. Now get going and let me finish off with the Minosaur detector and the Transmodulater. Hahahahahaha. Yes indeed, the Minosaur detector and Transmodulater, one of my greatest inventions yet. It was indeed lucky for me that great ugly Moa Constructor fell for my wonderful charm. Yes crimminy buckets. With my wonderful musical talents and my wonderful most clever mind, I, Reywal have developed not only a Minosaur detector but a Minosaur Transmodulater. Yes indeedy buckets. I will patent it once I rule the world.”

 Reywal looked thoughtful and then snapped his fingers. “Just a minute. Once I rule the world I wont have to patent anything because I’ll own everything. Yes, yes.” he paused. “I’ll – own – everything!! Ha ha ha.”

 Unseen by his megalomaniac boss, Datslob rolled his eyes.