Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Money Plans



In the fading light at the De Koorc castle, the Reywalmobile was parked alongside the main building. The trunk was open and Datslob was loading equipment and boxes and muttering to himself. His toque sat lopsided on his head and he looked frazzled.

 “One day when I get smarter, I’m going to build a robot for me to do this work.” He paused. “This is slavery.”

 Reywal walked out from a side door and caught the tail end of Datslob’s conversation with himself. “Slavery is it you little metal moron. Crimminy crickets, why, when I was your age I would have to milk twenty cows… yes that’s what it was, twenty cows before breakfast and then walk ten miles to school. Uphill, both ways. You have it lucky you little metal magnet. Now did you get those Premium Batteries for the Minosaur Scanner as I told you?” Datslob touched his middle finger to his toque. “Yes sir Mr. Reywal sir. I got the batteries OK.”

 Datslob closed the trunk quickly with a slam before Reywal could notice a box with the label “Discount Batteries” clearly visible. Reywal grabbed Datslob’s toque and whapped him over the head. “Now don’t slam the trunk you worthless little android! Why, you’ll chip my beautiful red paint.”

 Reywal lovingly ran his hand over the trunk of the Reywalmobile and then grabbed Datslob by one metallic ear. “Now listen to me. We are going to drive up to the top of Old Tom’s Hill. We will unload the detector and Transmodulater, set them up on the tripod, insert the batteries and begin detecting. Is that clear? Based on the information I have managed to extract from the Moa Constructor without him knowing………” Reywal paused and giggled. “ ….then we will send out some silent signals that will bounce offthe Minosaurs, no matter where they are, return to the parabolic dish and be displayed on the screen. Once we have a fix on those miserable little bat things, we then energize the Transmodulater, turn them into Krystils and then…..” Reywal paused again and rubbed his hands. “ ………. we’ll be in the money!!!”

 Datslob nodded his head obediently. Both he and Reywal entered the car and drove off into the darkness.