Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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The wind was gusting with the threat of an imminent storm as Reywal and Datslob stared into the open cave. Reywal's greed was revving up and he rubbed his hands together gleefully.

 “A cave!!! A secretcave!!! The knap-sacked nincompoop has led me to the mother lode!! Riches will be mine....hehehe!”

 Datslob discreetly coughed for attention. Reywal glanced at him

 “…..I mean ours...hehehe!”

 “How can you be sure there's treasure?” asked Datslob skeptically. Reywal glanced at the robot disdainfully.

 “Listen to me, my metallic little junk pile associate! One day, you should read a book such as Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Where there are caves there is always treasure, large quantities of treasure!!! It’s in the Criminals Guide To Treasure Hunting which you would know if you read something other than magazines about teeny bopper singers.”

 “Oh Yeah? Well, not always.” Datslob protested. “The last cave you brought us to had large quantities of vampire bats…….” Datslob paused “……..with large quantities of teeth

 Reywal rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, yes. But that was then, and this is ………….. Criminy jack-rabbits, what’s that?”

 Reywal went into a crouch and peered anxiously into the darkness. As his exclamation echoed down the tunnel, an ominous hum began echoing from the cave depths. Reywal's enthusiasm instantly evaporated. He peered apprehensively into the tunnel entrance and then turned to his assistant. “Look my little iron friend, I think youshould go first. Check out how everything looks and sort of get the hang of, ahem, aremy apprentice after all. Get some practical know the type of thing dear boy?” Datslob looked suspiciously up at Reywal. “I don’t think so.”

 Reywal stared with narrowed eyes. “Alright, alright you miserable little android. Follow me.”

 The pair gingerly entered the tunnel as Datslob waved a finger at Reywal. “Just one vampire bat, just one, and I quit...”

 “Once again you little tin can.” Reywal snarled. “One; vampire b atsdo not attack scrap metal and two; you cannot quit!!”