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add others to them, as often as we will. And having no more reason to

set bounds to those repeated ideas than we have to set bounds to number,

we have that indeterminable idea of immensity.

12. Infinite Divisibility.

And since in any bulk of matter our thoughts can never arrive at the

utmost divisibility, therefore there is an apparent infinity to us

also in that, which has the infinity also of number; but with this

difference,--that, in the former considerations of the infinity of space

and duration, we only use addition of numbers; whereas this is like

the division of an unit into its fractions, wherein the mind also can

proceed in infinitum, as wel as in the former additions; it being

indeed but the addition still of new numbers: though in the addition of

the one, we can have no more the POSITIVE idea of a space infinitely

great, than, in the division of the other, we can have the positive idea

of a body infinitely little;--our idea of infinity being, as I may say,

a growing or fugitive idea, still in a boundless progression, that can

stop nowhere.

13. No positive Idea of Infinity.

Though it be hard, I think, to find anyone so absurd as to say he has

the POSITIVE idea of an actual infinite number;--the infinity whereof

lies only in a power stil of adding any combination of units to any

former number, and that as long and as much as one will; the like also

being in the infinity of space and duration, which power leaves always

to the mind room for endless additions;--yet there be those who imagine

they have positive ideas of infinite duration and space. It would, I

think, be enough to destroy any such positive idea of infinite, to ask

him that has it,--whether he could add to it or no; which would easily

show the mistake of such a positive idea. We can, I think, have no

positive idea of any space or duration which is not made up of, and

commensurate to, repeated numbers of feet or yards, or days and years;

which are the common measures, whereof we have the ideas in our minds,

and whereby we judge of the greatness of this sort of quantities. And

therefore, since an infinite idea of space or duration must needs be

made up of infinite parts, it can have no other infinity than that of

number CAPABLE still of further addition; but not an actual positive

idea of a number infinite. For, I think it is evident, that the addition

of finite things together (as are all lengths whereof we have the

positive ideas) can never otherwise produce the idea of infinite than

as number does; which consisting of additions of finite units one to

another, suggests the idea of infinite, only by a power we find we have

of still increasing the sum, and adding more of the same kind; without

coming one jot nearer the end of such progression.

14. How we cannot have a positive idea of infinity in Quantity.

They who would prove their idea of infinite to be positive, seem to me

to do it by a pleasant argument, taken from the negation of an end;

which being negative, the negation on it is positive. He that considers

that the end is, in body, but the extremity or superficies of that body,

will not perhaps be forward to grant that the end is a bare negative:

and he that perceives the end of his pen is black or white, will be apt

to think that the end is something more than a pure negation. Nor is

it, when applied to duration, the bare negation of existence, but more

properly the last moment of it. But as they will have the end to be

nothing but the bare negation of existence, I am sure they cannot deny

but the beginning of the first instant of being, and is not by any body

conceived to be a bare negation; and therefore, by their own argument,

the idea of eternal, À PARTE ANTE, or of a duration without a beginning,

is but a negative idea.

15. What is positive, what negative, in our Idea of infinite.

The idea of infinite has, I confess, something of positive in al

those things we apply to it. When we would think of infinite space or

duration, we at first step usually make some very large idea, as perhaps

of millions of ages, or miles, which possibly we double and multiply

several times. All that we thus amass together in our thoughts is

positive, and the assemblage of a great number of positive ideas of

space or duration. But what still remains beyond this we have no more a

positive distinct notion of than a mariner has of the depth of the sea;

where, having let down a large portion of his sounding-line, he reaches

no bottom. Whereby he knows the depth to be so many fathoms, and more;

but how much the more is, he hath no distinct notion at all: and could

he always supply new line, and find the plummet always sink, without

ever stopping, he would be something in the posture of the mind reaching

after a complete and positive idea of infinity. In which case, let this

line be ten, or ten thousand fathoms long, it equally discovers what is

beyond it, and gives only this confused and comparative idea, that this

is not all, but one may yet go farther. So much as the mind comprehends

of any space, it has a positive idea of: but in endeavouring to make it

infinite,--it being always enlarging, always advancing,--the idea is

still imperfect and incomplete. So much space as the mind takes a view

of in its contemplation of greatness, is a clear picture, and positive

in the understanding: but infinite is still greater. 1. Then the idea of

SO MUCH is positive and clear. 2. The idea of GREATER is also clear; but

it is but a comparative idea, the idea of SO MUCH GREATER AS CANNOT BE

COMPREHENDED. 3. And this is plainly negative: not positive. For he has

no positive clear idea of the largeness of any extension, (which is that

sought for in the idea of infinite), that has not a comprehensive idea

of the dimensions of it: and such, nobody, I think, pretends to in what

is infinite. For to say a man has a positive clear idea of any quantity,

without knowing how great it is, is as reasonable as to say, he has the

positive clear idea of the number of the sands on the sea-shore, who

knows not how many there be, but only that they are more than twenty.

For just such a perfect and positive idea has he of an infinite space or

duration, who says it is LARGER THAN the extent or duration of ten, one

hundred, one thousand, or any other number of miles, or years, whereof

he has or can have a positive idea; which is al the idea, I think, we

have of infinite. So that what lies beyond our positive idea TOWARDS

infinity, lies in obscurity, and has the indeterminate confusion of a

negative idea, wherein I know I neither do nor can comprehend al I

would, it being too large for a finite and narrow capacity. And that

cannot but be very far from a positive complete idea, wherein the

greatest part of what I would comprehend is left out, under the

undeterminate intimation of being still greater. For to say, that,

having in any quantity measured so much, or gone so far, you are not yet

at the end, is only to say that that quantity is greater. So that the

negation of an end in any quantity is, in other words, only to say that

it is bigger; and a total negation of an end is but carrying this bigger

still with you, in al the progressions your thoughts shall make in

quantity; and adding this IDEA OF STILL GREATER to ALL the ideas you

have, or can be supposed to have, of quantity. Now, whether such an idea

as that be positive, I leave any one to consider.

16. We have no positive Idea of an infinite Duration.

I ask those who say they have a positive idea of eternity, whether their

idea of duration includes in it succession, or not? If it does not, they

ought to show the difference of their notion of duration, when applied

to an eternal Being, and to a finite; since, perhaps, there may

be others as wel as I, who wil own to them their weakness of

understanding in this point, and acknowledge that the notion they have

of duration forces them to conceive, that whatever has duration, is of a

longer continuance to-day than it was yesterday. If, to avoid succession

in external existence, they return to the punctum stans of the schools,

I suppose they will thereby very little mend the matter, or help us to a

more clear and positive idea of infinite duration; there being nothing

more inconceivable to me than duration without succession. Besides, that

punctum stans, if it signify anything, being not quantum, finite or

infinite cannot belong to it. But, if our weak apprehensions cannot

separate succession from any duration whatsoever, our idea of eternity


ANYTHING DOES EXIST; and whether any one has, or can have, a positive

idea of an actual infinite number, I leave him to consider, till his

infinite number be so great that he himself can add no more to it; and

as long as he can increase it, I doubt he himself will think the idea he

hath of it a little too scanty for positive infinity.

17. No complete Idea of Eternal Being.

I think it unavoidable for every considering, rational creature, that

will but examine his own or any other existence, to have the notion

of an eternal, wise Being, who had no beginning: and such an idea of

infinite duration I am sure I have. But this negation of a beginning,

being but the negation of a positive thing, scarce gives me a positive

idea of infinity; which, whenever I endeavour to extend my thoughts

to, I confess myself at a loss, and I find I cannot attain any clear

comprehension of it.

18. No positive Idea of infinite Space.

He that thinks he has a positive idea of infinite space, will, when

he considers it, find that he can no more have a positive idea of the

greatest, than he has of the least space. For in this latter, which

seems the easier of the two, and more within our comprehension, we are

capable only of a comparative idea of smal ness, which wil always be

less than any one whereof we have the positive idea. Al our POSITIVE

ideas of any quantity, whether great or little, have always bounds,

though our COMPARATIVE idea, whereby we can always add to the one, and

take from the other, hath no bounds. For that which remains, either

great or little, not being comprehended in that positive idea which we

have, lies in obscurity; and we have no other idea of it, but of the

power of enlarging the one and diminishing the other, WITHOUT CEASING.

A pestle and mortar will as soon bring any particle of matter to

indivisibility, as the acutest thought of a mathematician; and a

surveyor may as soon with his chain measure out infinite space, as a

philosopher by the quickest flight of mind reach it or by thinking

comprehend it; which is to have a positive idea of it. He that thinks on

a cube of an inch diameter, has a clear and positive idea of it in his

mind, and so can frame one of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and so on, till he has the

idea in his thoughts of something very little; but yet reaches not the

idea of that incomprehensible littleness which division can produce.

What remains of smallness is as far from his thoughts as when he first

began; and therefore he never comes at al to have a clear and positive

idea of that smallness which is consequent to infinite divisibility.

19. What is positive, what negative, in our Idea of Infinite.

Every one that looks towards infinity does, as I have said, at first

glance make some very large idea of that which he applies it to, let

it be space or duration; and possibly he wearies his thoughts, by

multiplying in his mind that first large idea: but yet by that he comes

no nearer to the having a positive clear idea of what remains to make up

a positive infinite, than the country fellow had of the water which was

yet to come, and pass the channel of the river where he stood:

'Rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis, at ile Labitur, et labetur in

omne volubilis aevum.'

20. Some think they have a positive Idea of Eternity, and not of

infinite Space.

There are some I have met that put so much difference between infinite

duration and infinite space, that they persuade themselves that they

have a positive idea of eternity, but that they have not, nor can have

any idea of infinite space. The reason of which mistake I suppose to be

this--that finding, by a due contemplation of causes and effects, that

it is necessary to admit some Eternal Being, and so to consider the real

existence of that Being as taken up and commensurate to their idea of

eternity; but, on the other side, not finding it necessary, but, on

the contrary, apparently absurd, that body should be infinite, they

forwardly conclude that they can have no idea of infinite space, because

they can have no idea of infinite matter. Which consequence, I conceive,

is very il collected, because the existence of matter is no ways

necessary to the existence of space, no more than the existence of

motion, or the sun, is necessary to duration, though duration uses to be

measured by it. And I doubt not but that a man may have the idea of ten

thousand miles square, without any body so big, as wel as the idea of

ten thousand years, without any body so old. It seems as easy to me to

have the idea of space empty of body, as to think of the capacity of a

bushel without corn, or the hol ow of a nut-shell without a kernel in

it: it being no more necessary that there should be existing a solid

body, infinitely extended, because we have an idea of the infinity of

space, than it is necessary that the world should be eternal, because we

have an idea of infinite duration. And why should we think our idea of

infinite space requires the real existence of matter to support it, when

we find that we have as clear an idea of an infinite duration to come,

as we have of infinite duration past? Though I suppose nobody thinks it

conceivable that anything does or has existed in that future duration.

Nor is it possible to join our idea of future duration with present

or past existence, any more than it is possible to make the ideas of

yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow to be the same; or bring ages past and

future together, and make them contemporary. But if these men are of the

mind, that they have clearer ideas of infinite duration than of infinite

space, because it is past doubt that God has existed from all eternity,

but there is no real matter co-extended with infinite space; yet those

philosophers who are of opinion that infinite space is possessed by

God's infinite omnipresence, as wel as infinite duration by his eternal

existence, must be allowed to have as clear an idea of infinite space as

of infinite duration; though neither of them, I think, has any positive

idea of infinity in either case. For whatsoever positive ideas a man has

in his mind of any quantity, he can repeat it, and add it to the former,

as easy as he can add together the ideas of two days, or two paces,

which are positive ideas of lengths he has in his mind, and so on as

long as he pleases: whereby, if a man had a positive idea of infinite,

either duration or space, he could add two infinites together; nay, make

one infinite infinitely bigger than another--absurdities too gross to be


21. Supposed positive Ideas of Infinity, cause of Mistakes.

But yet if after al this, there be men who persuade themselves that

they have clear positive comprehensive ideas of infinity, it is fit they

enjoy their privilege: and I should be very glad (with some others that

I know, who acknowledge they have none such) to be better informed by

their communication. For I have been hitherto apt to think that the

great and inextricable difficulties which perpetually involve all

discourses concerning infinity,--whether of space, duration, or

divisibility, have been the certain marks of a defect in our ideas

of infinity, and the disproportion the nature thereof has to the

comprehension of our narrow capacities. For, whilst men talk and dispute

of infinite space or duration, as if they had as complete and positive

ideas of them as they have of the names they use for them, or as they

have of a yard, or an hour, or any other determinate quantity; it is no

wonder if the incomprehensible nature of the thing they discourse of, or

reason about, leads them into perplexities and contradictions, and their

minds be overlaid by an object too large and mighty to be surveyed and

managed by them. 22. All these are modes of Ideas got from Sensation and


If I have dwelt pretty long on the consideration of duration, space, and

number, and what arises from the contemplation of them,--Infinity, it is

possibly no more than the matter requires; there being few simple ideas

whose MODES give more exercise to the thoughts of men than those do. I

pretend not to treat of them in their full latitude. It suffices to

my design to show how the mind receives them, such as they are, from

sensation and reflection; and how even the idea we have of infinity, how

remote soever it may seem to be from any object of sense, or operation

of our mind, has, nevertheless, as all our other ideas, its original

there. Some mathematicians perhaps, of advanced speculations, may have

other ways to introduce into their minds ideas of infinity. But this

hinders not but that they themselves, as wel as all other men, got the

first ideas which they had of infinity from sensation and reflection, in

the method we have here set down.



1. Other simple Modes of simple Ideas of sensation.

Though I have, in the foregoing chapters, shown how from simple ideas

taken in by sensation, the mind comes to extend itself even to infinity;

which, however it may of al others seem most remote from any sensible

perception, yet at last hath nothing in it but what is made out of

simple ideas: received into the mind by the senses, and afterwards there

put together, by the faculty the mind has to repeat its own ideas;

--Though, I say, these might be instances enough of simple modes of the

simple ideas of sensation, and suffice to show how the mind comes by

them, yet I shall, for method's sake, though briefly, give an account of

some few more, and then proceed to more complex ideas.

2. Simple modes of motion.

To slide, roll, tumble, walk, creep, run, dance, leap, skip, and

abundance of others that might be named, are words which are no sooner

heard but every one who understands English has presently in his mind

distinct ideas, which are al but the different modifications of motion.

Modes of motion answer those of extension; swift and slow are two

different ideas of motion, the measures whereof are made of the

distances of time and space put together; so they are complex ideas,

comprehending time and space with motion.

3. Modes of Sounds.

The like variety have we in sounds. Every articulate word is a different

modification of sound; by which we see that, from the sense of hearing,

by such modifications, the mind may be furnished with distinct ideas, to

almost an infinite number. Sounds also, besides the distinct cries of

birds and beasts, are modified by diversity of notes of different length

put together, which make that complex idea cal ed a tune, which a

musician may have in his mind when he hears or makes no sound at all, by

reflecting on the ideas of those sounds, so put together silently in his

own fancy.

4. Modes of Colours.

Those of colours are also very various: some we take notice of as the

different degrees, or as they were termed shades, of the same colour.

But since we very seldom make assemblages of colours, either for use

or delight, but figure is taken in also, and has its part in it, as in

painting, weaving, needleworks, &c.;--those which are taken notice of do most commonly belong to MIXED MODES, as being made up of ideas of divers

kinds, viz. figure and colour, such as beauty, rainbow, &c.

5. Modes of Tastes.

Al compounded tastes and smells are also modes, made up of the simple

ideas of those senses. But they, being such as generally we have no

names for, are less taken notice of, and cannot be set down in writing;

and therefore must be left without enumeration to the thoughts and

experience of my reader.

6. Some simple Modes have no Names.

In general it may be observed, that those simple modes which are

considered but as different DEGREES of the same simple idea, though they

are in themselves many of them very distinct ideas, yet have ordinarily

no distinct names, nor are much taken notice of, as distinct ideas,

where the difference is but very small between them. Whether men have

neglected these modes, and given no names to them, as wanting measures

nicely to distinguish them; or because, when they were so distinguished,

that knowledge would not be of general or necessary use, I leave it to

the thoughts of others. It is sufficient to my purpose to show, that al

our simple ideas come to our minds only by sensation and reflection; and

that when the mood has them, it can variously repeat and compound them,

and so make new complex ideas. But, though white, red, or sweet,

&c. have not been modified, or made into complex ideas, by several

combinations, so as to be named, and thereby ranked into species; yet

some others of the simple ideas, viz. those of unity, duration, and

motion, &c., above instanced in, as also power and thinking, have been

thus modified to a great variety of complex ideas, with names belonging

to them.

7. Why some Modes have, and others have not, Names.

The reason whereof, I suppose, has been this,--That the great

concernment of men being with men one amongst another, the knowledge of

men, and their actions, and the signifying of them to one another, was

most necessary; and therefore they made ideas of ACTIONS very nicely

modified, and gave those complex ideas names, that they might the more

easily record and discourse of those things they were daily conversant

in, without long ambages and circumlocutions; and that the things they

were continually to give and receive information about might be the

easier and quicker understood. That this is so, and that men in framing

different complex ideas, and giving them names, have been much governed

by the end of speech in general, (which is a very short and expedite way

of conveying their thoughts one to another), is evident in the names

which in several arts have been found out, and applied to several

complex ideas of modified actions, belonging to their several trades,

for dispatch sake, in their direction or discourses about them. Which

ideas are not generally framed in the minds of men not conversant about

these operations. And thence the words that stand for them, by the

greatest part of men of the same language, are not understood: v. g.


certain complex ideas, which being seldom in the minds of any but those

few whose particular employments do at every turn suggest them to their

thoughts, those names of them are not general y understood but by smiths

and chymists; who, having framed the complex ideas which these words

stand for, and having given names to them, or received them from others,

upon hearing of these names in communication, readily conceive those

ideas in their minds;-as by COHOBATION al the simple ideas of

distilling, and the pouring the liquor distilled from anything back upon

the remaining matter, and distilling it again. Thus we see that there

are great varieties of simple ideas, as of tastes and smells, which have

no names; and of modes many more; which either not having been generally

enough observed, or else not being of any great use to be taken notice

of in the affairs and converse of men, they have not had names given to

them, and so pass not for species. This we shall have occasion hereafter

to consider more at large, when we come to speak of WORDS.