Euthyphro by Plato. - HTML preview

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EUTHYPHRO: Very true.

Euthyphro, when they occur, are of a like nature?

SOCRATES: And we end a controversy about EUTHYPHRO: Certainly they are.

heavy and light by resorting to a weighing ma-SOCRATES: They have differences of opinion, as chine?

you say, about good and evil, just and unjust, EUTHYPHRO: To be sure.

honourable and dishonourable: there would have SOCRATES: But what differences are there which been no quarrels among them, if there had been cannot be thus decided, and which therefore no such differences—would there now?

make us angry and set us at enmity with one EUTHYPHRO: You are quite right.

another? I dare say the answer does not occur to SOCRATES: Does not every man love that which you at the moment, and therefore I will suggest he deems noble and just and good, and hate the that these enmities arise when the matters of opposite of them?

difference are the just and unjust, good and evil, EUTHYPHRO: Very true.

honourable and dishonourable. Are not these the SOCRATES: But, as you say, people regard the points about which men differ, and about which same things, some as just and others as unjust,—

when we are unable satisfactorily to decide our about these they dispute; and so there arise wars differences, you and I and all of us quarrel, when and fightings among them.

we do quarrel? (Compare Alcib.) EUTHYPHRO: Very true.

EUTHYPHRO: Yes, Socrates, the nature of the SOCRATES: Then the same things are hated by differences about which we quarrel is such as the gods and loved by the gods, and are both you describe.

hateful and dear to them?

SOCRATES: And the quarrels of the gods, noble EUTHYPHRO: True.