Fortune Cookie Philosophy by Kenneth Leroy Busbee - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



9.1 So What1


  •  Say bless you when you hear someone sneeze.
  • A frivolous gift is a gift, nonetheless.
  • Book lovers never go to bed alone.
  • Love or Money, or neither?
  • You may attend a party where strange customs prevail.
  • Just to be alive is a grand thing.
  • Participate in a neighborhood event.
  • A chance meeting with someone from the past is in store.
  • To soar like an eagle, learn to waddle like a duck.
  • Even the greatest of whales is helpless in the middle of a desert.


9.2 Most Likely Not True2


  •  Good things will come in small packages.
  • If your cookie is in 2 pieces, the answer is yes.
  • You will attract cultured and artistic people to your home.
  • Heads, you do it. Tails, you go home.
  • You will be successful in anything related to sports.
  • Accept the next proposition you hear.
  • Never trust a doctor whose office plants have died.
  • You will be advanced socially, without any effort.
  • A truly good person does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone.
  • Never take yes for your answer.
  • You can have your cake and eat it too.
  • Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
  • Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an angel.
  • What's vice today may be virtue tomorrow.
  • A package of value will arrive soon.
  • You will meet a stranger that you dream of.
  • Nothing is impossible.
  • You would prosper in the field of medicine.
  • You out distance all competitors.


9.3 Normally True3


  •  If you bite the hand that feeds you, it won't taste as good as the food you were fed.
  • Good clothes open many doors. Go shopping.
  • Burnt bridges are hard to cross.
  • No man is without enemies.
  • Sometimes it would be wise to add a little chlorine to the gene pool.
  • You will never regret the present; you live to its fullest.
  • If bargain-hunting, be practical.
  • Guard your secrets.
  • Never ride in a car when the driver has been drinking.
  • A perfect statue never comes from a bad mold.
  • It's not the having, it's the getting.
  • Fear creates danger, and courage dispels it.
  • A good time to finish up old tasks.
  • Keep your activities low-key when you are feeling blue.
  • Simplicity and clarity should be your theme in dress.


9.4 Like for It to be True4


  •  Serious trouble will bypass you.
  • You will get a great deal on a major purchase.
  • Speculations will turn out well.
  • Now is the time to try something new.
  • You will soon find more adventure in life.
  • You're the greatest in the world.
  • You will participate in a gala affair.
  • An investment opportunity will profit you.
  • You can always find happiness at work on Friday.
  • You are smart!
  • You will hear pleasant news.
  • Many opportunities are open to you. Seek them out.
  • You will soon create a favorable impression on someone.
  • Today will be pleasant; your life will be prosperous.
  • Soon life will become more interesting.
  • Don't worry about the stock market. Your investment is good.
  • Soon you will be sitting on top of the world.
  • Take advantage of a bargain.
  • Well, why not? Admit it you're intrigued.
  • You will live the life that makes all others not envious, but proud of you.
  • There is someone owing so many thanks to you.
  • Fight for it. You will come out on top.
  • A pleasant surprise is in store for you.




1 This content is available online at <>.

2 This content is available online at <>.

3 This content is available online at <>.

4 This content is available online at <>.