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No. 28

As your need to experience in calculated time passes into relative unimportance, the momentum of your experiences of the new paradigm will flow smoothly into a release of the materialistic mode that holds you tightly within the power of the deviant perpetrators. It is the pursuit of the creation of your personal fiefdoms and in the competition to create one of greater opulence and grander physical pleasures that have you trapped. These are empty promises to fill the void of imbalance that you feel within. Subliminal messages are planted within all the advertisement to feed your materialistic addictions. The tangled and layered morass of information and lies is reminiscent of the fable of the lion and the mouse. The lion of humanity lies staked to the earth, held fast by the net of distraction of the conscious mind. In the story it took a tiny mouse to chew through the ropes to release the lion. In our version of the story, it is the radio talk show, the available Internet information and the publication of books and tapes that constitute the mouse. The information shared is based on personal experience and researches of archives of information available to any that care to take advantage of it. The integrity of the net is threatening to give way. Once released, the lion is then aware of the power of the tiny mouse so anything could happen. Unfortunately, there are more nets in place unless we take charge of the story line and change the scenario.

The point of these messages is to encourage and to inform, not educate in the format as it is practiced. There are no subliminal subversive intentions hidden within them. Each of you has programmed within the deep levels of your awareness the memory of the purpose you came into this lifetime to accomplish. We are simply keeping our agreement to remind you and to give guidance and direction to your actions.

When the focus is on reacting to what is perceived as eminent danger, then momentum is lost. It is our agreed function to share the view that we are privileged to have from a dimension encompassing a greater vision of the situation. We view energy patterns in movement in a holographic display, and can model the various possibilities available. This is an advantage. It is the purpose of this information to share what is allowed within the universal laws governing freewill with as much clarity as possible. We find allegorical stories are remembered and applied to overall understanding most effectively. We are limited to those available through the experiences of the translator of this information. It is a dictation/translation/transcription process with the translation portion being the most critical component. It is important that this person continue to input information to enhance the available "database". Guidance is provided to appropriate materials.

It is within the allowable guidelines to bring to your attention deviations within those patterns that can be corrected because it is your freewill decision whether or not to do so. The problem of getting the information to you is massive indeed. Face to face discussions are not possible for many reasons but mostly because victim/martyrdom is not in our experience pattern and that would be the end result. Therefore we have this process as a more effective way. Though there is no 2-way exchange possible at this time and it is not necessary.

It is also possible for us to bring much information into the awareness of those committed to the project. Through the acceptance of this commission and a commitment to participate and see it though, the energy matrix of each change and this is observed. This opens a line of communication and also results in a change of activity within the inner dimensional (sleep) states. These changes are reflected in the outer dimensional activities during the day. Many changes in these lives will be noted, from the mundane to major shifts in attitudes and choices of activities. As mental and physical activities change, the intent and commitment becomes more focused and a spiral effect begins to occur within the levels of consciousness. You are being supported in this process!

It is with trepidation that we bring to your attention that the open communication lines are now under greater control and it is their intention to identify those yet unknown individuals who disseminate information that counters their plans. As yet it is in the identification process and has not moved beyond into retribution. This is because there are purposes for allowing you the privilege to do what you are doing that are not known to all levels of oppression. The word identification process is being further expanded. We suggest strongly that you edit your verbal and written conversations. Book wording can be read electronically, but titles especially are being processed. If suspicious, then scanning the forward/epilogue portions is taking place to be reviewed. Expect bookstore chains to be contacted and told to remove titles from the shelves and raids to take place at wholesale/distributor levels as the next step. Hopefully they will be discriminate and take only certain individual items, however that has not been the pattern. This will limit your freedom to print and distribute freely, so creativity must be used in the wording of titles, forwards and endorsement information. It suggests the possibility of setting up alternate locations and different names with books, etc. likely to pass through the first two tests. This might be considered as possible joint efforts if the hurdle of profit sharing can be worked through. If reprints are being considered, or new books or tapes, these considerations may be important. Creativity in promotional copy will be challenging. Intuitive inspiration is available on request. Smile! You are on the winning side!


No. 29

It is with resolve that you must focus the energy of intent into bringing forth this phase of the project. There is indeed a nuance of difference in these. One can intend to do something but never actually do it. Resolve is the spark that holds the intent in the forefront of the field of activity within your awareness. "This phase" refers to what might be called the second layer of activity toward initiation of the project. The phase of "getting the word out" does not cease because a new phase has begun. One simply adds the beginning of the next phase in a layering sense. Phase one was something like the foundation of a pyramid. Now we are beginning the second layer of the construction before the first layer is complete. Visualize how graphics complete a picture on the computer. It begins and does not always complete the picture in totally horizontal motion one line at a time and the picture is at some point complete. Next, consider this in a holographic focus for the planet. In your mind’s eye, you can see where the information has gone and "paint" in areas where your information has been sent. If you see the planet as dark and the information painted in as lighted areas you can begin to "get the picture". You could see the sprinkles of light spread outward.

Even people who have heard and consciously rejected the information reflect a degree of light and it remains waiting to fully reflect. It is because you cannot know how many of these there are that you have difficulty in grasping the magnitude of accomplishment that this phase has reached and it continues to expand. The 100th monkey point is very close indeed. Portions of phase two are already in motion and momentum will expand it much more quickly than phase one. Because of the awareness brought forth by phase one, there are many that are waiting and wondering what it is that they can do, now that they are aware. We shall provide that answer and it will seem to them an easy thing to do, for they are being asked to do something that can be done privately and without drawing any notice. And it is the most powerful thing that needs to be done. It is a focused pivotal change of attitude from victim to empowerment.

The great resistance to phase one information was because each thought it would involve armed revolution to accomplish change. We know that a change is not our goal. A new paradigm of experience begins with totally different techniques and methods and there is no counter measure in place once it is begun. It can be countered only with reactive measures that would be deviations within the negative plan. This would bring forth, chaos within that focus. The negative plan is counter to the flow of creative energy within which it exists. It requires continuity and narrowly defined focus that links together. This is absolutely essential.

It is with joy that we share these segments of information so that you may begin to understand more than just the nature of the negative plans, but also to understand the weak links available within their plan are opportunities. We can