“Lysis, or Friendship” - Plato And another disputed point is, which is the fairer?
he likes?
The two boys laughed.
I should think not indeed, he said.
I shall not ask which is the richer of the two, I And if your father and mother love you, and de-said; for you are friends, are you not?
sire that you should be happy, no one can doubt Certainly, they replied.
that they are very ready to promote your happi-And friends have all things in common, so that ness.
one of you can be no richer than the other, if you Certainly, he replied.
say truly that you are friends.
And do they then permit you to do what you like, They assented. I was about to ask which was the and never rebuke you or hinder you from doing what juster of the two, and which was the wiser of the you desire?
two; but at this moment Menexenus was called away Yes, indeed, Socrates; there are a great many things by some one who came and said that the gymnas-which they hinder me from doing.
tic-master wanted him. I supposed that he had to What do you mean? I said. Do they want you to offer sacrifice. So he went away, and I asked Lysis be happy, and yet hinder you from doing what you some more questions. I dare say, Lysis, I said, that like? for example, if you want to mount one of your your father and mother love you very much.
father’s chariots, and take the reins at a race, they Certainly, he said.
will not allow you to do so—they will prevent you?
And they would wish you to be perfectly happy.
Certainly, he said, they will not allow me to do Yes.
But do you think that any one is happy who is in Whom then will they allow?
the condition of a slave, and who cannot do what There is a charioteer, whom my father pays for 18
“Lysis, or Friendship” - Plato driving.
Then you have a master?
And do they trust a hireling more than you? and Yes, my tutor; there he is.
may he do what he likes with the horses? and do And is he a slave?
they pay him for this?
To be sure; he is our slave, he replied.
They do.
Surely, I said, this is a strange thing, that a free But I dare say that you may take the whip and man should be governed by a slave. And what does guide the mule-cart if you like;—they will permit he do with you?
He takes me to my teachers.
Permit me! indeed they will not.
You do not mean to say that your teachers also Then, I said, may no one use the whip to the rule over you?
Of course they do.
Yes, he said, the muleteer.
Then I must say that your father is pleased to And is he a slave or a free man?
inflict many lords and masters on you. But at any A slave, he said.
rate when you go home to your mother, she will let And do they esteem a slave of more value than you have your own way, and will not interfere with you who are their son? And do they entrust their your happiness; her wool, or the piece of cloth which property to him rather than to you? and allow him she is weaving, are at your disposal: I am sure that to do what he likes, when they prohibit you? An-there is nothing to hinder you from touching her swer me now: Are you your own master, or do they wooden spathe, or her comb, or any other of her not even allow that?
spinning implements.
Nay, he said; of course they do not allow it.
Nay, Socrates, he replied, laughing; not only does 19
“Lysis, or Friendship” - Plato she hinder me, but I should be beaten if I were to ample, if they want anything read or written, you, touch one of them.
I presume, would be the first person in the house Well, I said, this is amazing. And did you ever who is summoned by them.
behave ill to your father or your mother?
Very true.
No, indeed, he replied.
And you would be allowed to write or read the But why then are they so terribly anxious to pre-letters in any order which you please, or to take up vent you from being happy, and doing as you like?—
the lyre and tune the notes, and play with the fin-keeping you all day long in subjection to another, gers, or strike with the plectrum, exactly as you and, in a word, doing nothing which you desire; so please, and neither father nor mother would inter-that you have no good, as would appear, out of their fere with you.
great possessions, which are under the control of That is true, he said.
anybody rather than of you, and have no use of Then what can be the reason, Lysis, I said, why your own fair person, which is tended and taken they allow you to do the one and not the other?
care of by another; while you, Lysis, are master of I suppose, he said, because I understand the one, nobody, and can do nothing?
and not the other.
Why, he said, Socrates, the reason is that I am Yes, my dear youth, I said, the reason is not any not of age.
deficiency of years, but a deficiency of knowledge; I doubt whether that is the real reason, I said; for and whenever your father thinks that you are wiser I should imagine that your father Democrates, and than he is, he will instantly commit himself and his your mother, do permit you to do many things al-possessions to you.
ready, and do not wait until you are of age: for ex-I think so.