Mental control of physical reality
When you go to sleep and are in a state of dreaming, can you see, hear, touch, smell and taste things? Are the objects you touch as solid as in the physical world?
In experience, there is no difference between the dream world and the real world. What you imagine is in every way as real as what you experience in physical reality.
When you are conscious that you are dreaming, you are in a lucid dream. You can control the dream in anyway you want according to your will and belief. If that is possible in the dream world, it is also possible in the real world.
The difference is that the mental plane responds instantaneously to your thoughts while the physical plane is much slower in playing them out. That is because the vibrations of physical reality are finer and hence the grosser forms of matter are slower to change.
Things on the physical plane take time to manifest but things on the mental plane manifest instantaneously the moment they are thought of. The mental plane is not affected by time the same way as the physical plane. It is concentration of thought sustained over time that brings an idea into physical being.
Everything that exist in the imagination or dream is a personal experience. If an object or person you imagine exists in actual reality, the object or person in your mind is a clone of the original. The mental clone is in every way as real as the actual object or person.
But If the object or person you imagine does not exist in actual reality, it will be an original creation of yours that exist in your mind. The mental creation can manifest in physical reality over time if it is concentrated upon long enough for the necessary actions to take place to bring it into existence.
In quantum physics, consciousness collapses the wave function into particles in time and space. That is how God created the universe. It was through pure condensation of thought wave into other states of matter. But God or the universal mind does not require us to create things directly from thought in the physical world. Our thoughts normally manifest physically through indirect means.
A goal is first manifested in the psychic plane and then action is taken to materialize it on the earth plane. Just like consciousness pull together Quanta or Energy to form physical objects through direct mental manifestation, our thoughts will also pull together the different materials needed to form the object in the physical world through indirect mental manifestation.
When you have a picture of a car that you want to construct, by concentrating on it and putting all your energies to it, the car will eventually be constructed.
You begin by thinking more and more about the car you have in mind. You allow your actions to flow with your intentions as you put it into design. You then seek the people, materials and resources necessary to build the car. Your constant focus sends out thought waves that attract the right people to you and you to them.
You all begin working on constructing the car and refining it until finally the work is complete and the car which first existed as an idea in your mind is now a physical reality before you. This is how our dreams and desires manifest in physical reality. Concentration is the Great Secret of mental power.
When you are in a situation where your actions have immediate control in its outcome, you should concentrate on what you are doing and do it as well as you can. When a situation is outside of your immediate control and there is nothing you can do to physically act upon it, you should concentrate on thinking the right thoughts, imagine what you desire to happen and mentally will it to happen.
When the object you imagine is a mental clone of an existing object in actual reality, it will affect the object in actual reality. Your thoughts will influence the thought wave state of the actual thing you are thinking about. This explains why you can influence other people’s behavior with your imagination and affect physical things with your mind.
This power can be used for good or evil. A Voodoo doll is merely a physical symbol for the user to focus his/her imagination upon. There is no need for such rituals and ceremonies as witchcraft and sorcery as the original workings of things are purely mental. You can heal a person with your mind just as much as you can harm them. You can only have power over them according to the power they give to you through the thoughts they think. The same is true for you to others as well. Be more positive and less negative.
Of all seven states of matter, thought wave is the most easy to mentally affect. Mind is most responsive to thought waves than any other element in the environment. The finer the state, the easier it is to affect. The denser the matter, the harder and more concentration it takes to affect.
Mental movement of mind. You can mentally move people towards or away from you simply by willing that they come or stay away from you. You can make them feel what you want them to feel or think what you want them to think according to the thought waves you send out to them.
Mental movement of beam. Certain places or people have a darkness about them. The negative thought waves emanating from them has an effect on the electromagnetic waves or light sources surrounding them. Other places or people appear to be glowing or shining bright with radiance on their countenance and presence. The effect is both mental and electromagnetic.
Mental movement of gas. The thoughts and moods of people can affect the atmosphere around them. There are situations when the air seem to behave in a turbulent manner in response to their own mental turbulence going on within them. There are times when the atmosphere is so calm and so still because you are in a state of inner calm and stillness.
Mental movement of solid objects is supposedly the hardest to achieve since they are the densest state of matter. It takes more skill in mental power to move solid objects with the mind than other states of matter.
As long as you perceive yourself as moving something that is separate from you, you will not find it possible to do. All separation is an illusion. The entire universe and everything in it at the quantum level is a continous flow of pure energy that is consciousness and Mind. Every person or object is an aspect of the same energy of God that we all consist of.
It is thought that influences objects to move, and all objects are energy. While we think about moving “that pencil” or “that door” or “thatcandle flame” or “that” anything; it will be not be possible tomove it. When we move anything we move an aspect of ourselves, always. Just like a hand or a leg. Since everything is ultimately thought wave in different states and thought wave is Mind, it is Mind moving Itself.
Therefore telekinesis, also known as “psychokinesis“, may be defines as: “The process of moving an aspect of ourselves by influencing Energy using the power of the Mind“.
It is easier to influence things in a dynamic state than in a static state. Things in a dynamic state are already in the process of changing from one state to another. But the truth is all limits are mental. If you can believe then all things will be equal in your ability to mentally move them.
Remember, our ability to affect matter with our mind is governed by the universal mind. We are only able to affect matter according to how our thoughts fit in with the flow of life and the forces of other minds. It is easier to influence things in the direction where they are going than the opposite of it.