Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Antimatter is Etheric Double of Physical Matter


The entire universe is made up of matter in different states. The quantum building blocks of matter are atoms and subatomic particles. Every subatomic particle has a positive or negative charge.


For every particle with a positive or negative charge, there must be an equivalent particle of a negative mass or with an opposite charge to balance its existence. We would not be able to distinguish between a negative mass and a negative charge, either would produce an acceleration opposite to the electric field. So that means for every particle there must be an antiparticle and all matter has antimatter as its opposite counterpart.


If that is the case, then where is all the antimatter in the universe? They seem to be missing. The idea is that antimatter and matter cannot coexist because if they did, they would destroy each other immediately upon contact and disappear.


So how can matter exist without antimatter? It is a great mystery that the physical universe seems to exist in an unbalanced state of existence. There may not be an imbalance. The antimatter may be present within the matter as a quantum superposition, we just do not “observe” it until we look for it. The solution to the mystery can only be found in understanding that there are two planes of reality coexisting in the same spacetime but out of phase with each other.


Everything in physical reality exist in two states, the physical state and the etheric state. Physical matter and its etheric double coexist in the same spacetime but out of phase with each other on two different planes of reality. Antimatter is the etheric double of physical matter.


Physical reality exists as the physical plane on this side and the etheric plane on the other side. On this side, the electron is the original and the positron is the anti. On the other side, the positron is the original and the electron is the anti. On the other side, we are the original and we are the anti on this side.


An electron has a negative charge, therefore it has an antiparticle of a positive charge called a positron. Like and unlike charges attract, therefore the electron and its etheric double are held together in the same space time and out of phase on different planes. The positron’s mass is the inverse of the physical electron. Of course since there is no such thing as negative mass, antimatter is really matter that is less dense than light.


The etheric double of the electron is not directly perceivable on the physical plane through physical means. But when the etheric double swaps places with the electron, it becomes detectable. The electron appears on the etheric plane as an etheric positron while the etheric double appears on the physical plane a physical positron. Their masses reverse and so do their charges.


Light is made up of photons. A photon is a chargeless particle, therefore there is no anti-photon. The photon and anti-photon are one and the same. Light is the only thing that can coexist in the physical and etheric plane in the same state. Light is the link between the Physical and Etheric plane.


Light is an etheric matter. Etheric matter is matter that can pass through physical matter. Light is the only thing that can pass through solid. Visible light can pass through glass and transparent material. Invisible light such as X-Ray and gamma rays can penetrate through various solid matter.


When an electron and a positron combine, they become two photons. When two photons combine, they turn into an electron with a positron. You can transform matter into light and light into matter!






Everything is made of light. Everything is Light.


So it is not too far fetched an idea to think that holograms can become solid. Light is beam and beam is the fifth state of matter. Condensing from beam into solid is how angelic beings or spirits manifest into physical existence. Light is the final state of matter that can be visibly observed with our physical eyes.


Quantum physicist David Bohm describes the physical universe of matter as “frozen light”. The entire universe from the innermost to the outermost planes is a grand holographic projection with everything and everyone an integral and inseparable aspect of the Universal Hologram.


Light is the Link between Matter and Spirit.


There is light in the body. Biophotons are ultra weak photon or electromagnetic wave emissions of biological systems in the optical range of the spectrum, which is light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special scientific equipment.This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement can be used to evaluate this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells can be discriminated by typical differences in biophoton emission.


We have a body of matter and a body of light. The human body has a holographic biophoton field. It is part of the etheric or energy body. The biophoton field is the mediator between body and soul.


Biophoton light is stored in the cells of the organism or more precisely, in the DNA. The holographic biophoton field of the brain, the nervous system and of the whole organism is the basis of memory and other phenomena of consciousness.


The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field are closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum, Ether or Universal Mind and indicate its role as an interface to the non- physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.


When someone experiences “ghost pains” after amputation of some part of the body, it is the etheric body through which they are feeling the discomfort. Many people who experience amputation for quite some time will feel as if the missing part of the body is still there. Which it is, in the etheric template.


Coming to the forefront in medical astronomy will be the ability to regenerate body components through proper understanding and stimulation of the Etheric Body Template of Light. The etheric body is not only alive but is the giver of life to the physical body!


Light is produced by vibrations of matter propagated under the form of waves in the ether. An eye with a retina sensitive enough would see in the dark all objects as if surrounded by a luminous halo, and darkness would be unknown to it.


We can see light beyond our usual range of spectrum simply by changing the vibration of our consciousness. People and animals who have the ability to see beyond the range of visible light can see infrared as dark red and ultraviolet as dark purple, dark blue or black.


When you use your Etheric Vision, you are able to see invisible light such as ultraviolet, x rays and gamma rays. When we are in the etheric state of being or having heightened sense of etheric vision operating, we will experience a full spectrum color shift. Which means that our perceptive range of visible colors will shift one octave higher.


All the normal visible colors we see will shift to dark red or even black, while the higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum shifts into standard colors. We will be able to see ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays in the color range from red to indigo. Ultraviolet will appear red and gamma rays will appear indigo. Every other frequency in between will appear as the rest of the colors.


Of course we can choose to see both visible light and invisible light as normal colors simultaneously if we want to. We do so by keeping our consciousness vibrating simultaneously in two frequency ranges of visible light and invisible light.