Phaedrus by Plato. - HTML preview

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then he would meet the case of me and of many ing else would do, he got hold of the book, and a man; his words would be quite refreshing, and looked at what he most wanted to see,—this oc-he would be a public benefactor. For my part, I cupied him during the whole morning;—and then do so long to hear his speech, that if you walk all when he was tired with sitting, he went out to the way to Megara, and when you have reached take a walk, not until, by the dog, as I believe, the wall come back, as Herodicus recommends, he had simply learned by heart the entire dis-without going in, I will keep you company.

course, unless it was unusually long, and he went to a place outside the wall that he might prac-PHAEDRUS: What do you mean, my good tise his lesson. There he saw a certain lover of Socrates? How can you imagine that my discourse who had a similar weakness;—he saw unpractised memory can do justice to an elabo-and rejoiced; now thought he, ‘I shall have a rate work, which the greatest rhetorician of the partner in my revels.’ And he invited him to age spent a long time in composing. Indeed, I come and walk with him. But when the lover of cannot; I would give a great deal if I could.

discourse begged that he would repeat the tale, he gave himself airs and said, ‘No I cannot,’ as SOCRATES: I believe that I know Phaedrus about if he were indisposed; although, if the hearer had as well as I know myself, and I am very sure refused, he would sooner or later have been com-that the speech of Lysias was repeated to him, pelled by him to listen whether he would or no.

not once only, but again and again;—he insisted Therefore, Phaedrus, bid him do at once what on hearing it many times over and Lysias was he will soon do whether bidden or not.

very willing to gratify him; at last, when noth-49


PHAEDRUS: I see that you will not let me off PHAEDRUS: Enough; I see that I have no hope until I speak in some fashion or other; verily of practising my art upon you. But if I am to read, therefore my best plan is to speak as I best can.

where would you please to sit?

SOCRATES: A very true remark, that of yours.

SOCRATES: Let us turn aside and go by the Ilissus; we will sit down at some quiet spot.

PHAEDRUS: I will do as I say; but believe me, Socrates, I did not learn the very words—O no; PHAEDRUS: I am fortunate in not having my nevertheless I have a general notion of what he sandals, and as you never have any, I think that said, and will give you a summary of the points we may go along the brook and cool our feet in in which the lover differed from the non-lover.

the water; this will be the easiest way, and at Let me begin at the beginning.

midday and in the summer is far from being unpleasant.

SOCRATES: Yes, my sweet one; but you must first of all show what you have in your left hand un-SOCRATES: Lead on, and look out for a place in der your cloak, for that roll, as I suspect, is the which we can sit down.

actual discourse. Now, much as I love you, I would not have you suppose that I am going to have PHAEDRUS: Do you see the tallest plane-tree in your memory exercised at my expense, if you the distance?

have Lysias himself here.