Philosophical Essays by Patrick Durantou - HTML preview

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Professor Patrick Durantou

What is Philosophy?

This issue is already a philosophical issue; That it means clustering to interrogating about the definition of philosophy is already philosophizing. Do you think Philosophy is to have wisdom concept, an experience or a science?

What is to philosophyzing today? We will take examples into the history as well as into our eachday life.

Philosphy and philosophers

Do we philosophizing gold to make philosophy? Nowadays What means clustering to philosophize. All During the history of philosophy we Observed que le great philosophers Both made great books and great works Surely consequently.

We will intorrogate aussi the history of western philosophy to see the process of a philosophical work.


Plato: The Republic

R. Descartes Discurse on the method

GWF Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit

F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

M. Heidegger: Being and Time

A. Kenny: History of Philosphy (4 t.)

Dictionary: The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosphy

Philosophy in the contemporaneous world

We will see how philosphy in our contemporaneous world is as yet has preeminant humanscience in a technical world. The different philosophical domains contemporaneous years The Therefore specialties Seems to be Nowadays adapté to our world. THUS we will study, this question and to examing in the various dominant ways of thinking it.

The color geography

Today, color has become widespread medium of expression in life current and proliferate at the speed of large production lines. Ready-to-wear Automotive, through the furnishings and linens, all product consumer goods industry invites the consumer to color glass.

Caused by the essential thrust of marketing, "the color of seduction", the color that sale, has become a modern sociological reality.

The press, audiovisual, street scenery, our daily environment more current carry insistent that changes color and is constantly renewed. elementary visual phenomenon, its evolution has quickly transformed our behavior unconscious.

A world away from marketing that analyzes market segmentation and the various consumer typologies (in whom we see attitudes and expectations vis-à-vis the specific color to each country) the simple observation of the color landscapes and urban architecture requires to find that emerges ambiances colors the obvious features. The light, geology, the general environment of a site are all factors that combine socio-cultural behavior of a population, resulting in what we called "The color of geography."

"It's local color" is not a new term. What is new is informed analysis of the observation made and their impact on decisions concerning color, which exert their effect on society and the environment, heritage and his culture.

The color development in the housing of the architecture is a phenomenon that arose in France in the 1960s with the emergence of large assemblies and more dramatically in the 1970s with the creation of new cities. until the beginning the century in this particular area, there was little question of color, except in few exceptions and in the monumental and sacred architecture.

Indeed, it might be urban or rural, the color of the house had itself to the most natural way, through the building materials that were found locally.

From the very ground they built the house, the basic materials fussent– they stone, earth or wood, each had their own color and texture. When the facades were covered with plaster, they adopted the harmonious coloring natural pigments based on iron oxide. The progressive development, in time and duration, village or city, helped to create a dominant color that made identity and website feature. This led arose, naturally, a sober and coherent architecture, in perfect visual match to its environment, that let the story and that the city of Siena in Italy is undoubtedly one of the examples more relevant.

A targeted strategy 2000

After rising in the inner habitat, color now reached the building facades, large equipment, factories; brief all areas of space Architectural and consequently the components of manufactured building industrially.

What now of color in the current context where the synthesis of materials, glass, plastic, metal, concrete in all categories have replaced those of the past? The globalization of production, rapid transportation, real-time communication quickly transformed the methods of design and creation of products. In focused strategy 2000, any industry, to be effective, is facing the need to combine the parameters of technology and design, the color is one of key aspects.

The colors of standard systems proliferate in the United States, Europe and Japan, all wiser and better than each other, plus now the variations of color per million allowed by the computer screens. instruments beautiful for research and color communication, the fact remains that these are just tools at the service of creation and of informed choice. each program request from the architect, the designer, or colorist, in the analysis of the site, qualities of method and sensitivity that will update the most appropriate harmonies color geography.

It was in Japan in 1961, then graduated from the Ecole Boulle and Ecole Nationale Of Decorative Arts, Jean-Philippe Lenclos follows the School of Architecture courses Fine Arts Kyoto. Deepening his research in France, he gives the lemma his theory on the concept of "color theory" according to which each place produces behavior in the field of the use of color. Participating in group or personally in various exhibitions, it is also working with urban works in component coloring blueprints. In 1978, that creates Lenclos J.-P. 3D color workshop, design office specialized in the design and implementation for environment, architecture and industrial products.

"  Colours of France" in 1982 and "Geography of color," published in Tokyo decline the theoretical path of Jean-Philippe Lenclos. Within the 3D workshop Color, the application of its creed consists of the color in the service of heritage, architectural space and the living environment. The spirit: return messages past by finding the color quality of the traditional, valuing the image corporate, defense of local color to the harmony of the landscape. In design industrial goods, it seeks to define the ranges in perfect harmony with the product design, marketing objectives and markets. In the end it is to take account a "new cultural dimension and sensitive to the perception of a product industrial . "

Press Articles

All for our rights ... a right for all!

The great humanitarian fresco, which began last Tuesday continues at pace multiple meetings that the organizers of this celebration, the Clus UNESCO and Amnesty International, offer the public with their partner associations and moult artists. Tuesday evening conference on the theme "Sports and Human Rights", it was heated ... Last night "Tolerance and Intolerance of the XII th to the XX th century" tonight "Languages of Europe, Occitan, Esperanto "... here for discussion. There will also be exhibitions, film screenings. We inform you below cons:

Conference "Sport and Human Rights"

A torn ethics

The debate was fueled in CREPS before yesterday, as part of the conference "Sports and Human rights ". Sport as a political or economic issue, subject to the rules of (The) power (s) is a reality that no one has thought of denying. The practice is not yet not that ... some people have attached themselves to remember.

This is the CREPS Lespinet that took place within the framework of the 40 events e anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first meeting organized on the theme "Sports and Human Rights". This roundtable brought together before a renowned sports assistance, MM. Jean Fabre, this Stade Toulousain, Marc Bichon CREPS and doctor of the national team ice hockey, André Dandine frame Regional Rowing and Pierre Fuster, physiotherapist at the Seoul Games. Mr Fabre emphasized in Opening the two key aspects of elite sport today: sport as an element of culture and sport show. This last aspect of competitive sports do leaves not insensitive economic and political environments; the "coloring" extra-sporty What sponsorship taints, too, the social round of number of clubs in the only perspective of professionalism that is, confession J. Fabre, "a response from others ". To conclude on this first witness, J. Fabre did not fail to remember the spirit that presides over the destinies of the great club of Toulouse, in the Stadium Toulouse is a tradition and that "a leader is the guarantor of a culture, a tradition of the ethics of a club. "

Ethics and doping ...

The problem of doping concerns, though some disciplines seem more affected others, all sports. It should be pointed out Mr. Bichon, to develop, to not to penalize athletes in the quest for medals, a real anti-doping policy that should not stop at a few top athletes (if Ben Johnson was little city by stakeholders). Alongside the career plan advocated by J. Fabre, instances Leaders should necessarily go towards the adoption of a health plan, to fight against certain shortcomings: a single anti-doping laboratory in France now. The third topic of discussion after the money and media coverage of sport, Doping concerns the politicization of sport and the boycott of problems. Some do neglect the importance and validity of the boycott against countries that violate the rights more fundamental. Certainly not among the many athletes present nor organizers of this discussion evening in cheerful rhythm, like us, believe there is a link narrow between the exercise of the sport and the sports ability to become a citizen respectful of Rights and Duties of Man.

René Cassin Exhibition Centre Alban Minville

The dignity denied

René Cassin, principal instigator of the Universal Declaration had faith in humanity. From this principle, proclaimed and co-signed by many countries, what is left today ? The UNESCO Clubs and Amnesty International, makers of the exhibition traveling, continue to carry the torch of human dignity ... A whistle in the melee…

It was forty years ago, in December 1948, was approved by the community International, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This beautiful piece inspired models of the late eighteenth th  century, the main editor R. Cassin was aimed to open a new path, to preserve the human injustice, arbitrariness, intolerance. This code of 30 items was nothing less than a set of lemma universal propositions in the context of an international law based on respect for people. The hope of a new era was quickly disappointed.

At impact and euphoria, quickly succeeded among some of the signatory countries even the charter, the fear of open or non transgressions. The dispute over especially here than elsewhere, is about facts. According to Amnesty reports International, in over half of the world, people are imprisoned by crimes of opinion, women and children are tortured by government agents. The violation of these fundamental rights is daily.

Thus, according to Amnesty International officials, UNESCO Clubs and other associations of Toulouse, organizers of the 40 th anniversary, this celebration will have "nothing arrogant or triumphalist" but more than just denounce, the common tendency is to awaken everyone to become aware of the existence This text and its individual and collective responsibility to become a reality. He Rather, a resolute approach to preserve and to awaken the human treasure vigilant conscience.

Nothing less than the spirit of René Cassin and co-signers of the Declaration: "We now have a lever to lift the weight of the sins, let us make use of them ... "

Le Journal de Toulouse, December 8, 1988. 

The bow and the lyre

It is in the associative part of "Midi singing" we could enjoy the fair talented creators unknown to the general public, poets, artists of various genres, as well as mastery of oratory Dean Emeritus Alain Guy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University Toulouse-Le Mirail.

The meetings of the literary society, the "Midi sings" derogate in a burst friendly, climate moult companies or phalansteries full of Parisianism and conformism. Its activities include the confirmation of original talents of the region Midi-Pyrenees and promotion in various poetic contests or exhibitions, open to public. The "Midi sings" finds its full role in the poetic animation encouraging and provoking artistic creation in general and especially literary, providing a favorable platform for the dissemination of the culture of our region.

To illustrate this approach, the organizers usually present, as culminating in a conference that week was also an opportunity to reward (If still possible), once again, the merits Alain Guy, professor of philosophy.

Alain Guy, Dean Emeritus of the Toulouse-Le Mirail University, is a major specialists, not only in France but in the world of philosophy and the Iberian Iberoamerican. His teaching career was also exceptional precocity, that surprisingly punctuated recognitions: to quote, that of Knight of the Legion Honor, that of Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic (highest Spanish Honours) in addition to those of Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities Foreign. A tireless researcher and effectively inspired by the Iberian philosophy, Lusitanian and its echo in Latin America, its approach is to discover the true and the promulgation multiple streams of thought transpyrénéens our neighbors. The master was the creator of the Iberian Centre of Research and philosophy Iberoamericana, instigator fruitful exchanges between various universities as geopolitically as opposed USSR and Brazil or Argentina.

In his historicist work, a progressive and heterodox content views metaphysics and ethics, Alain Guy gives us his passion for ideas and men from Age of Arab domination until the last current trends. Latest books demonstrate more than ever after the great authors of studies (Vives, Unamuno, Ortega, etc.) in the same concern for rigor in the exegesis of a greater openness to the problems of South American continent.

The conference organized by the "Midi sings" was an opportunity to make a Alain Guy review, interpret and classify the works of women philosophers. The method historian investigation is timely to the attention of many authors of this continent as prima materia of the Latin American reality, revealing women thinkers of life and everyday problems. The meeting ended with the surrender of the Paul Cup Voivenel the recipient, an ardent defender of a culture whose defense is the same its wider dissemination.

Association the "Midi sang" 

"Seeing and Understanding"

The association "see and understand" works like other similar associations governed by the 1901 law to educate and guide children to the high immigrant population Toulouse, but especially in these celebrations of time to organize and run various activities and rides to entertain young and old. Its means: a hundred educators and with regional bodies. The enemy is boredom.

In the premises of this association everyone strives to plan, manage different activities offered by the centers to develop retail near daily outings.

Its founder, Gilles Bronnert, directs the play centers and leisure since 1981.

Educators, insured by experience, promote mixing and integration everyone in the group despite cultural difficulties, attitudes are similar: the total, several hundred young people who are involved with the help of the town hall Toulouse, leaders and educators of this generous association, dynamic and ambitious of our city.

French mail of Tarn-et-Garonne. 

The enemy is boredom

The "See and Understand 'association operates like other associations Similar governed by the law of 1901, to educate and guide children to the high population immigrant from Toulouse, but also, particularly in this holiday season, to organize and conduct various activities and rides to entertain young and old. His means: a hundred educators and with regional bodies; the enemy = boredom.

The premises of the association "see and understand" the 16 of Caraman street beyond, in this holiday season, activities. Each strives to plan, manage various activities offered by the three major centers where the association work in Toulouse (Bourbaki The Faourette, Reynerie-Mirail) to develop retail outlets close daily. Its founder, Gilles Bronnert, directs the play centers and entertainment from twenty years in Toulouse, "Seeing and Understanding", founded in perspective harmony between the communities, little meeting today the debut of problems. The association resolutely work with the same beliefs as those officials SOS Racisme, their life philosophy is the same: "Racism comes from failure