Statesman by Plato. - HTML preview

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STRANGER: He will lay down laws in a general YOUNG SOCRATES: And what is that?

form for the majority, roughly meeting the cases of individuals; and some of them he will deliver in STRANGER: Let us put to ourselves the case of a writing, and others will be unwritten; and these last physician, or trainer, who is about to go into a far will be traditional customs of the country.

country, and is expecting to be a long time away from his patients—thinking that his instructions will YOUNG SOCRATES: He will be right.

not be remembered unless they are written down, he will leave notes of them for the use of his pupils STRANGER: Yes, quite right; for how can he sit at or patients.

every man’s side all through his life, prescribing for him the exact particulars of his duty? Who, Socrates, YOUNG SOCRATES: True.

would be equal to such a task? No one who really had the royal science, if he had been able to do STRANGER: But what would you say, if he came this, would have imposed upon himself the restric-back sooner than he had intended, and, owing to an tion of a written law.

unexpected change of the winds or other celestial influences, something else happened to be better for YOUNG SOCRATES: So I should infer from what them,—would he not venture to suggest this new has now been said.

remedy, although not contemplated in his former prescription? Would he persist in observing the origi-STRANGER: Or rather, my good friend, from what nal law, neither himself giving any new commandis going to be said.

ments, nor the patient daring to do otherwise than 114


was prescribed, under the idea that this course only YOUNG SOCRATES: I do not recall what you mean was healthy and medicinal, all others noxious and het-at the moment.

erodox? Viewed in the light of science and true art, would not all such enactments be utterly ridiculous?

STRANGER: They say that if any one knows how the ancient laws may be improved, he must first YOUNG SOCRATES: Utterly.

persuade his own State of the improvement, and then he may legislate, but not otherwise.

STRANGER: And if he who gave laws, written or unwritten, determining what was good or bad, YOUNG SOCRATES: And are they not right?

honourable or dishonourable, just or unjust, to the tribes of men who flock together in their several STRANGER: I dare say. But supposing that he does cities, and are governed in accordance with them; use some gentle violence for their good, what is this if, I say, the wise legislator were suddenly to come violence to be called? Or rather, before you answer, again, or another like to him, is he to be prohibited let me ask the same question in reference to our from changing them?—would not this prohibition previous instances.

be in reality quite as ridiculous as the other?

YOUNG SOCRATES: What do you mean?


STRANGER: Suppose that a skilful physician has STRANGER: Do you know a plausible saying of a patient, of whatever sex or age, whom he compels the common people which is in point?

against his will to do something for his good which 115


is contrary to the written rules; what is this com-YOUNG SOCRATES: Very true.

pulsion to be called? Would you ever dream of calling it a violation of the art, or a breach of the laws STRANGER: And shall we say that the violence, if of health? Nothing could be more unjust than for exercised by a rich man, is just, and if by a poor the patient to whom such violence is applied, to man, unjust? May not any man, rich or poor, with charge the physician who practises the violence with or without laws, with the will of the citizens or against wanting skill or aggravating his disease.

the will of the citizens, do what is for their interest?

Is not this the true principle of government, accord-YOUNG SOCRATES: Most true.

ing to which the wise and good man will order the affairs of his subjects? As the pilot, by watching con-STRANGER: In the political art error is not called tinually over the interests of the ship and of the disease, but evil, or disgrace, or injustice.

crew,—not by laying down rules, but by making his art a law,—preserves the lives of his fellow-sailors, YOUNG SOCRATES: Quite true.

even so, and in the self-same way, may there not be a true form of polity created by those who are able to STRANGER: And when the citizen, contrary to law govern in a similar spirit, and who show a strength and custom, is compelled to do what is juster and of art which is superior to the law? Nor can wise better and nobler than he did before, the last and rulers ever err while they observing the one great most absurd thing which he could say about such rule of distributing justice to the citizens with intel-violence is that he has incurred disgrace or evil or ligence and skill, are able to preserve them, and, as injustice at the hands of those who compelled him.

far as may be, to make them better from being worse.