Statesman by Plato. - HTML preview

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STRANGER: Where one officer only is needed, you two minds into communion with one another by must choose a ruler who has both these qualities—

unanimity and friendship, and having perfected the when many, you must mingle some of each, for the noblest and best of all the webs which political life temperate ruler is very careful and just and safe, admits, and enfolding therein all other inhabitants but is wanting in thoroughness and go.

of cities, whether slaves or freemen, binds them in one fabric and governs and presides over them, and, YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly, that is very true.

in so far as to be happy is vouchsafed to a city, in no particular fails to secure their happiness.

STRANGER: The character of the courageous, on the other hand, falls short of the former in justice YOUNG SOCRATES: Your picture, Stranger, of the and caution, but has the power of action in a re-king and statesman, no less than of the Sophist, is markable degree, and where either of these two quite perfect.

qualities is wanting, there cities cannot altogether prosper either in their public or private life.

If you wish to view more of Plato’s works in PDF, be sure to return to YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly they cannot.


STRANGER: This then we declare to be the comple-If you wish to view more Electronic Classics tion of the web of political action, which is created Series PDF files, return to by a direct intertexture of the brave and temperate

natures, whenever the royal science has drawn the
