(ll. 18-22) The ship, as former bards relate, Argus (ll. 1-4) Beginning with thee, O Phoebus, I will re-wrought by the guidance of Athena. But now I will tell count the famous deeds of men of old, who, at the be-the lineage and the names of the heroes, and of the hest of King Pelias, down through the mouth of Pontus long sea-paths and the deeds they wrought in their and between the Cyanean rocks, sped well-benched wanderings; may the Muses be the inspirers of my song!
Argo in quest of the golden fleece.
(ll. 23-34) First then let us name Orpheus whom once (ll. 5-17) Such was the oracle that Pelias heard, that a Calliope bare, it is said, wedded to Thracian Oeagrus, hateful doom awaited him to be slain at the prompting near the Pimpleian height. Men say that he by the music of the man whom he should see coming forth from the of his songs charmed the stubborn rocks upon the moun-people with but one sandal. And no long time after, in tains and the course of rivers. And the wild oak-trees to accordance with that true report, Jason crossed the this day, tokens of that magic strain, that grow at Zone on stream of wintry Anaurus on foot, and saved one san-the Thracian shore, stand in ordered ranks close together, dal from the mire, but the other he left in the depths the same which under the charm of his lyre he led down held back by the flood. And straightway he came to from Pieria. Such then was Orpheus whom Aeson’s son Pelias to share the banquet which the king was offer-welcomed to share his toils, in obedience to the behest of ing to his father Poseidon and the rest of the gods, Cheiron, Orpheus ruler of Bistonian Pieria.
though he paid no honour to Pelasgian Hera. Quickly 8
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(ll. 35-39) Straightway came Asterion, whom Cometes (ll. 51-56) Nor at Alope stayed the sons of Hermes, begat by the waters of eddying Apidanus; he dwelt at rich in corn-land, well skilled in craftiness, Erytus and Peiresiae near the Phylleian mount, where mighty Echion, and with them on their departure their kins-Apidanus and bright Enipeus join their streams, comman Aethalides went as the third; him near the streams ing together from afar.
of Amphrysus Eupolemeia bare, the daughter of Myr-midon, from Phthia; the two others were sprung from (ll. 40-44) Next to them from Larisa came Polyphemus, Antianeira, daughter of Menetes.
son of Eilatus, who aforetime among the mighty Lapithae, when they were arming themselves against (ll. 57-64) From rich Gyrton came Coronus, son of the Centaurs, fought in his younger days; now his limbs Caeneus, brave, but not braver than his father. For were grown heavy with age, but his martial spirit still bards relate that Caeneus though still living perished remained, even as of old.
at the hands of the Centaurs, when apart from other chiefs he routed them; and they, rallying against him, (ll. 45-48) Nor was Iphiclus long left behind in Phylace, could neither bend nor slay him; but unconquered and the uncle of Aeson’s son; for Aeson had wedded his unflinching he passed beneath the earth, overwhelmed sister Alcimede, daughter of Phylacus: his kinship with by the downrush of massy pines.
her bade him be numbered in the host.
(ll. 49-50) Nor did Admetus, the lord of Pherae rich in (ll. 65-68) There came too Titaresian Mopsus, whom sheep, stay behind beneath the peak of the above all men the son of Leto taught the augury of Chalcodonian mount.
birds; and Eurydamas the son of Ctimenus; he dwelt at Dolopian Ctimene near the Xynian lake.
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(ll. 69-70) Moreover Actor sent his son Menoetius from selves, the warders of Oechalia, sons of Eurytus the Opus that he might accompany the chiefs.
ruthless, Eurytus, to whom the Far-shooting god gave his bow; but he had no joy of the gift; for of his own (ll. 71-76) Eurytion followed and strong Eribotes, one choice he strove even with the giver.
the son of Teleon, the other of Irus, Actor’s son; the son of Teleon renowned Eribotes, and of Irus Eurytion.
(ll. 90-94) After them came the sons of Aeacus, not A third with them was Oileus, peerless in courage and both together, nor from the same spot; for they settled well skilled to attack the flying foe, when they break far from Aegina in exile, when in their folly they had their ranks.
slain their brother Phoeus. Telamon dwelt in the Attic island; but Peleus departed and made his home in (ll. 77-85) Now from Euboea came Canthus eager for Phthia.
the quest, whom Canethus son of Abas sent; but he was not destined to return to Cerinthus. For fate had (ll. 95-104) After them from Cecropia came warlike ordained that he and Mopsus, skilled in the seer’s art, Butes, son of brave Teleon, and Phalerus of the ashen should wander and perish in the furthest ends of Libya.
spear. Alcon his father sent him forth; yet no other For no ill is too remote for mortals to incur, seeing that sons had he to care for his old age and livelihood. But they buried them in Libya, as far from the Colchians him, his well-beloved and only son, he sent forth that as is the space that is seen between the setting and the amid bold heroes he might shine conspicuous. But rising of the sun.
Theseus, who surpassed all the sons of Erechtheus, an unseen bond kept beneath the land of Taenarus, for he (ll. 86-89) To him Clytius and Iphitus joined them-had followed that path with Peirithous; assuredly both 10
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would have lightened for all the fulfilment of their toil.
(ll. 122-132) Nor do we learn that Heracles of the mighty heart disregarded the eager summons of (ll. 105-114) Tiphys, son of Hagnias, left the Siphaean Aeson’s son. But when he heard a report of the heroes’
people of the Thespians, well skilled to foretell the ris-gathering and had reached Lyrceian Argos from ing wave on the broad sea, and well skilled to infer Arcadia by the road along which he carried the boar from sun and star the stormy winds and the time for alive that fed in the thickets of Lampeia, near the vast sailing. Tritonian Athena herself urged him to join the Erymanthian swamp, the boar bound with chains he band of chiefs, and he came among them a welcome put down from his huge shoulders at the entrance to comrade. She herself too fashioned the swift ship; and the market-place of Mycenae; and himself of his own with her Argus, son of Arestor, wrought it by her coun-will set out against the purpose of Eurystheus; and with sels. Wherefore it proved the most excellent of all ships him went Hylas, a brave comrade, in the flower of that have made trial of the sea with oars.
youth, to bear his arrows and to guard his bow.
(ll. 115-117) After them came Phlias from Araethyrea, (ll. 133-138) Next to him came a scion of the race of where he dwelt in affluence by the favour of his father divine Danaus, Nauplius. He was the son of Clytonaeus Dionysus, in his home by the springs of Asopus.
son of Naubolus; Naubolus was son of Lernus; Lernus (ll. 118-121) From Argos came Talaus and Areius, sons we know was the son of Proetus son of Nauplius; and of Bias, and mighty Leodocus, all of whom Pero daugh-once Amymone daughter of Danaus, wedded to ter of Neleus bare; on her account the Aeolid Melampus Poseidon, bare Nauplius, who surpassed all men in endured sore affliction in the steading of Iphiclus.
naval skill.
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(ll. 139-145) Idmon came last of all them that dwelt at (ll. 156-160) And with them Neleian Periclymenus set Argos, for though he had learnt his own fate by au-out to come, eldest of all the sons of godlike Neleus gury, he came, that the people might not grudge him who were born at Pylos; Poseidon had given him fair renown. He was not in truth the son of Abas, but boundless strength and granted him that whatever Leto’s son himself begat him to be numbered among shape he should crave during the fight, that he should the illustrious Aeolids; and himself taught him the art take in the stress of battle.
of prophecy—to pay heed to birds and to observe the signs of the burning sacrifice.
(ll. 161-171) Moreover from Arcadia came Amphidamas and Cepheus, who inhabited Tegea and the allotment (ll. 146-150) Moreover Aetolian Leda sent from Sparta of Apheidas, two sons of Aldus; and Ancaeus followed strong Polydeuces and Castor, skilled to guide swift-them as the third, whom his father Lycurgus sent, the footed steeds; these her dearly-loved sons she bare at brother older than both. But he was left in the city to one birth in the house of Tyndareus; nor did she for-care for Aleus now growing old, while he gave his son bid their departure; for she had thoughts worthy of the to join his brothers. Antaeus went clad in the skin of a bride of Zeus.
Maenalian bear, and wielding in his right hand a huge two-edged battleaxe. For his armour his grandsire had (ll. 151-155) The sons of Aphareus, Lynceus and proud hidden in the house’s innermost recess, to see if he Idas, came from Arene, both exulting in their great might by some means still stay his departure.
strength; and Lynceus too excelled in keenest sight, if the report is true that that hero could easily direct his (ll. 172-175) There came also Augeias, whom fame sight even beneath the earth.
declared to be the son of Helios; he reigned over the 12
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Eleans, glorying in his wealth; and greatly he desired of Oeneus, strong Meleagrus, and Laocoon—Laocoon to behold the Colchian land and Aeetes himself the the brother of Oeneus, though not by the same mother, ruler of the Colchians.
for a serving-woman bare him; him, now growing old, Oeneus sent to guard his son: thus Meleagrus, still a (ll. 176-178) Asterius and Amphion, sons of Hyperasius, youth, entered the bold band of heroes. No other had came from Achaean Pellene, which once Pelles their come superior to him, I ween, except Heracles, if for grandsire founded on the brows of Aegialus.
one year more he had tarried and been nurtured among the Aetolians. Yea, and his uncle, well skilled to fight (ll. 179-184) After them from Taenarus came Euphemus whether with the javelin or hand to hand, Iphiclus son whom, most swift-footed of men, Europe, daughter of of Thestius, bare him company on his way.
mighty Tityos, bare to Poseidon. He was wont to skim the swell of the grey sea, and wetted not his swift feet, (ll. 202-206) With him came Palaemonius, son of but just dipping the tips of his toes was borne on the Olenian Lernus, of Lernus by repute, but his birth was watery path.
from Hephaestus; and so he was crippled in his feet, (ll. 185-189) Yea, and two other sons of Poseidon came; but his bodily frame and his valour no one would dare one Erginus, who left the citadel of glorious Miletus, to scorn. Wherefore he was numbered among all the the other proud Ancaeus, who left Parthenia, the seat chiefs, winning fame for Jason.
of Imbrasion Hera; both boasted their skill in seacraft and in war.
(ll. 207-210) From the Phocians came Iphitus sprung from Naubolus son of Ornytus; once he had been his (ll. 190-201) After them from Calydon came the son host when Jason went to Pytho to ask for a response 13
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concerning his voyage; for there he welcomed him in too were ready to be numbered in the host.
his own hails.
(ll. 228-233) So many then were the helpers who as-
(ll. 211-223) Next came Zetes and Calais, sons of sembled to join the son of Aeson. All the chiefs the Boreas, whom once Oreithyia, daughter of Erechtheus, dwellers thereabout called Minyae, for the most and bare to Boreas on the verge of wintry Thrace; thither the bravest avowed that they were sprung from the it was that Thracian Boreas snatched her away from blood of the daughters of Minyas; thus Jason himself Cecropia as she was whirling in the dance, hard by was the son of Alcimede who was born of Clymene Hissus’ stream. And, carrying her far off, to the spot the daughter of Minyas.
that men called the rock of Sarpedon, near the river Erginus, he wrapped her in dark clouds and forced (ll. 234-241) Now when all things had been made ready her to his will. There they were making their dusky by the thralls, all things that fully-equipped ships are wings quiver upon their ankles on both sides as they furnished withal when men’s business leads them to rose, a great wonder to behold, wings that gleamed voyage across the sea, then the heroes took their way with golden scales: and round their backs from the top through the city to the ship where it lay on the strand of the head and neck, hither and thither, their dark that men call Magnesian Pagasae; and a crowd of people tresses were being shaken by the wind.
hastening rushed together; but the heroes shone like gleaming stars among the clouds; and each man as he (ll. 224-227) No, nor had Acastus son of mighty Pelias saw them speeding along with their armour would say: himself any will to stay behind in the palace of his brave sire, nor Argus, helper of the goddess Athena; but they (ll. 242-246) “King Zeus, what is the purpose of Pelias?
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Whither is he driving forth from the Panachaean land (ll. 261-277) Thus the women spake at the departure so great a host of heroes? On one day they would waste of the heroes. And now many thralls, men and women, the palace of Aeetes with baleful fire, should he not yield were gathered together, and his mother, smitten with them the fleece of his own goodwill. But the path is not grief for Jason. And a bitter pang seized every woman’s to be shunned, the toil is hard for those who venture.” heart; and with them groaned the father in baleful old age, lying on his bed, closely wrapped round. But the (ll. 247-250) Thus they spake here and there through-hero straightway soothed their pain, encouraging them, out the city; but the women often raised their hands to and bade the thralls take up his weapons for war; and the sky in prayer to the immortals to grant a return, they in silence with downcast looks took them up. And their hearts’ desire. And one with tears thus lamented even as the mother had thrown her arms about her to her fellow:
son, so she clung, weeping without stint, as a maiden all alone weeps, falling fondly on the neck of her hoary (ll. 251-260) “Wretched Alcimede, evil has come to thee nurse, a maid who has now no others to care for her, but at last though late, thou hast not ended with splendour of she drags on a weary life under a stepmother, who mal-life. Aeson too, ill-fated man! Surely better had it been for treats her continually with ever fresh insults, and as she him, if he were lying beneath the earth, enveloped in his weeps, her heart within her is bound fast with misery, shroud, still unconscious of bitter toils. Would that the nor can she sob forth all the groans that struggle for utter-dark wave, when the maiden Helle perished, had over-ance; so without stint wept Alcimede straining her son in whelmed Phrixus too with the ram; but the dire portent her arms, and in her yearning grief spake as follows: even sent forth a human voice, that it might cause to Alcimede sorrows and countless pains hereafter.” (ll. 278-291) “Would that on that day when, wretched 15
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woman that I am, I heard King Pelias proclaim his evil ter sorrows overmuch, for thou wilt not redeem me from behest, I had straightway given up my life and forgot-evil by tears, but wilt still add grief to grief. For unseen ten my cares, so that thou thyself, my son, with thine are the woes that the gods mete out to mortals; be strong own hands, mightest have buried me; for that was the to endure thy share of them though with grief in thy heart; only wish left me still to be fulfilled by time, all the take courage from the promises of Athena, and from the other rewards for thy nurture have I long enjoyed. Now answers of the gods (for very favourable oracles has I, once so admired among Achaean women, shall be Phoebus given), and then from the help of the chieftains.
left behind like a bondwoman in my empty halls, pin-But do thou remain here, quiet among thy handmaids, ing away, ill-fated one, for love of thee, thee on whose and be not a bird of ill omen to the ship; and thither my account I had aforetime so much splendour and re-clansmen and thralls will follow me.” nown, my only son for whom I loosed my virgin zone first and last. For to me beyond others the goddess (ll. 306-316) He spake, and started forth to leave the Eileithyia grudged abundant offspring. Alas for my house. And as Apollo goes forth from some fragrant folly! Not once, not even in nay dreams did I forebode shrine to divine Delos or Claros or Pytho or to broad this, that the flight of Phrixus would bring me woe.” Lyeia near the stream of Xanthus, in such beauty moved Jason through the throng of people; and a cry (ll. 292-294) Thus with moaning she wept, and her arose as they shouted together. And there met him aged handmaidens, standing by, lamented; but Jason spake Iphias, priestess of Artemis guardian of the city, and gently to her with comforting words: kissed his right hand, but she had not strength to say a word, for all her eagerness, as the crowd rushed on, (ll. 295-305) “Do not, I pray thee, mother, store up bit-but she was left there by the wayside, as the old are left 16
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by the young, and he passed on and was gone afar.
fore we will make no long delay in our sailing for these things’ sake, when the breezes but blow fair. But, (ll. 317-331) Now when he had left the well-built streets friends,—for common to all is our return to Hellas hereof the city, he came to the beach of Pagasae, where his after, and common to all is our path to the land of comrades greeted him as they stayed together near the Aeetes—now therefore with ungrudging heart choose ship Argo. And he stood at the entering in, and they the bravest to be our leader, who shall be careful for were gathered to meet him. And they perceived Aeastus everything, to take upon him our quarrels and cov-and Argus coming from the city, and they marvelled enants with strangers.”
when they saw them hasting with all speed, despite the will of Pelias. The one, Argus, son of Arestor, had cast (ll. 341-344) Thus he spake; and the young heroes round his shoulders the hide of a bull reaching to his turned their eyes towards bold Heracles sitting in their feet, with the black hair upon it, the other, a fair mantle midst, and with one shout they all enjoined upon him of double fold, which his sister Pelopeia had given him.
to be their leader; but he, from the place where he Still Jason forebore from asking them about each point sat, stretched forth his right hand and said: but bade all be seated for an assembly. And there, upon the folded sails and the mast as it lay on the ground, (ll. 345-347) “Let no one offer this honour to me. For they all took their seats in order. And among them I will not consent, and I will forbid any other to stand with goodwill spake Aeson’s son: up. Let the hero who brought us together, himself be the leader of the host.”
(ll. 332-340) “All the equipment that a ship needs for all is in due order—lies ready for our departure. There-
(ll. 348-350) Thus he spake with high thoughts, and 17
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they assented, as Heracles bade; and warlike Jason him-the stormy surge had cleansed it long before. First of self rose up, glad at heart, and thus addressed the ea-all, by the command of Argus, they strongly girded the ger throng:
ship with a rope well twisted within, * stretching it tight on each side, in order that the planks might be well com-
(ll. 351-362) “If ye entrust your glory to my care, no pacted by the bolts and might withstand the opposing longer as before let our path be hindered. Now at last force of the surge. And they quickly dug a trench as let us propitiate Phoebus with sacrifice and straight-wide as the space the ship covered, and at the prow as way prepare a feast. And until my thralls come, the far into the sea as it would run when drawn down by overseers of my steading, whose care it is to choose their hands. And they ever dug deeper in front of the out oxen from the herd and drive them hither, we will stem, and in the furrow laid polished rollers; and in-drag down the ship to the sea, and do ye place all the clined the ship down upon the first rollers, that so she tackling within, and draw lots for the benches for row-might glide and be borne on by them. And above, on ing. Meantime let us build upon the beach an altar to both sides, reversing the oars, they fastened them round Apollo Embasius* who by an oracle promised to point the thole-pins, so as to project a cubit’s space. And the out and show me the paths of the sea, if by sacrifice to heroes themselves stood on both sides at the oars in a him I should begin my venture for King Pelias.” row, and pushed forward with chest and hand at once.
And then Tiphys leapt on board to urge the youths to (ll. 363-393) He spake, and was the first to turn to the push at the right moment; and calling on them he work, and they stood up in obedience to him; and they shouted loudly; and they at once, leaning with all their heaped their garments, one upon the other, on a smooth
*Or, reading EKTOTHEN, they strongly girded the ship outside with a well-twisted rope. In either case there is probably no stone, which the sea did not strike with its waves, but allusion to YPOZOMATA (ropes for undergirding) which were
*i.e. God of embarcation.
carried loose and only used in stormy weather.
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strength, with one push started the ship from her place, name of Actius* and Embasius, and quickly spread and strained with their feet, forcing her onward; and above it logs of dried olive-wood. Meantime the herds-Pelian Argo followed swiftly; and they on each side men of Aeson’s son had driven before them from the shouted as they rushed on. And then the rollers groaned herd two steers. These the younger comrades dragged under the sturdy keel as they were chafed, and round near the altars, and the others brought lustral water them rose up a dark smoke owing to the weight, and and barley meal, and Jason prayed, calling on Apollo she glided into the sea; but the heroes stood there and the god of his fathers:
kept dragging her back as she sped onward. And round the thole-pins they fitted the oars, and in the ship they (ll. 411-424) “Hear, O King, that dwellest in Pagasae placed the mast and the well-made sails and the stores.
and the city Aesonis, the city called by my father’s (ll. 394-401) Now when they had carefully paid heed name, thou who didst promise me, when I sought thy to everything, first they distributed the benches by lot, oracle at Pytho, to show the fulfilment and goal of my two men occupying one seat; but the middle bench journey, for thou thyself hast been the cause of my they chose for Heracles and Ancaeus apart from the venture; now do thou thyself guide the ship with my other heroes, Ancaeus who dwelt in Tegea. For them comrades safe and sound, thither and back again to alone they left the middle bench just as it was and not Hellas. Then in thy honour hereafter we will lay again by lot; and with one consent they entrusted Tiphys on thy altar the bright offerings of bulls—all of us who with guarding the helm of the well-stemmed ship.
return; and other gifts in countless numbers I will bring (ll. 402-410) Next, piling up shingle near the sea, they to Pytho and Ortygia. And now, come, Far-darter, ac-raised there an altar on the shore to Apollo, under the cept this sacrifice at our hands, which first of all we
*i.e. God of the shore.
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have offered thee for this ship on our embarcation; ing up with good omen in dark spiral columns; and and grant, O King, that with a prosperous weird I may quickly he spake outright the will of Leto’s son: loose the hawsers, relying on thy counsel, and may the breeze blow softly with which we shall sail over the (ll. 440-447) “For you it is the will of heaven and des-sea in fair weather.”
tiny that ye shall return here with the fleece; but meanwhile both going and returning, countless trials await (ll. 425-439) He spake, and with his prayer cast the you. But it is my lot, by the hateful decree of a god, to barley meal. And they two girded themselves to slay die somewhere afar off on the mainland of Asia. Thus, the steers, proud Ancaeus and Heracles. The latter with though I learnt my fate from evil omens even before his club smote one steer mid-head on the brow, and now, I have left my fatherland to embark on the ship, falling in a heap on the spot, it sank to the ground; and that so after my embarking fair fame may be left me in Ancaeus struck the broad neck of the other with his my house.”
axe of bronze, and shore through the mighty sinews; and it fell prone on both its horns. Their comrades (ll. 448-462) Thus he spake; and the youths hearing quickly severed the victims’ throats, and flayed the the divine utterance rejoiced at their return, but grief hides: they sundered the joints and carved the flesh, seized them for the fate of Idmon. Now at the hour then cut out the sacred thigh bones, and covering them when the sun passes his noon-tide halt and the all together closely with fat burnt them upon cloven ploughlands are just being shadowed by the rocks, as wood. And Aeson’s son poured out pure libations, and the sun slopes towards the evening dusk, at that hour Idmon rejoiced beholding the flame as it gleamed on all the heroes spread leaves thickly upon the sand and every side from the sacrifice, and the smoke of it mount-lay down in rows in front of the hoary surf-line; and 20
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near them were spread vast stores of viands and sweet the heroes clamoured together and Idmon spoke out wine, which the cupbearers had drawn off in pitchers; openly:
afterwards they told tales one to another in turn, such as youths often tell when at the feast and the bowl they (ll. 480-484) “Vain wretch, thou art devising destruc-take delightful pastime, and insatiable insolence is far tion for thyself before the time. Does the pure wine away. But here the son of Aeson, all helpless, was brood-cause thy bold heart to swell in thy breast to thy ruin, ing over each event in his mind, like one oppressed and has it set thee on to dishonour the gods? Other with thought. And Idas noted him and assailed him words of comfort there are with which a man might with loud voice:
encourage his comrade; but thou hast spoken with ut-
(ll. 463-471) “Son of Aeson, what is this plan thou art ter recklessness. Such taunts, the tale goes, did the sons turning over in mind. Speak out thy thought in the midst.
of Aloeus once blurt out against the blessed gods, and Does fear come on and master thee, fear, that confounds thou dost no wise equal them in valour; nevertheless cowards? Be witness now my impetuous spear, where-they were both slain by the swift arrows of Leto’s son, with in wars I win renown beyond all others (nor does mighty though they were.”
Zeus aid me so much as my own spear), that no woe will be fatal, no venture will be unachieved, while Idas (ll. 485-486) Thus he spake, and Aphareian Iclas follows, even though a god should oppose thee. Such a laughed out, loud and long, and eyeing him askance helpmeet am I that thou bringest from Arene.” replied with biting words:
(ll. 472-475) He spake, and holding a brimming goblet (ll. 487-491) “Come now, tell me this by thy prophetic in both hands drank off the unmixed sweet wine; and art, whether for me too the gods will bring to pass such his lips and dark cheeks were drenched with it; and all doom as thy father promised for the sons of Aloeus.
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And bethink thee how thou wilt escape from my hands over the blessed Titan-gods, while Zeus, still a child alive, if thou art caught making a prophecy vain as the and with the thoughts of a child, dwelt in the Dictaean idle wind.”
cave; and the earthborn Cyclopes had not yet armed him with the bolt, with thunder and lightning; for these (ll. 492-495) Thus in wrath Idas reviled him, and the things give renown to Zeus.
strife would have gone further had not their comrades and Aeson’s son himself with indignant cry restrained (ll. 512-518) He ended, and stayed his lyre and divine the contending chiefs; and Orpheus lifted his lyre in voice. But though he had ceased they still bent for-his left hand and made essay to sing.
ward with eagerness all hushed to quiet, with ears in-
(ll. 496-511) He sang how the earth, the heaven and tent on the enchanting strain; such a charm of song the sea, once mingled together in one form, after deadly had he left behind in their hearts. Not long after they strife were separated each from other; and how the mixed libations in honour of Zeus, with pious rites as stars and the moon and the paths of the sun ever keep is customary, and poured them upon the burning their fixed place in the sky; and how the mountains tongues, and bethought them of sleep in the darkness.
rose, and how the resounding rivers with their nymphs came into being and all creeping things. And he sang (ll. 519-558) Now when gleaming dawn with bright how first of all Ophion and Eurynome, daughter of eyes beheld the lofty peaks of Pelion, and the calm Ocean, held the sway of snowy Olympus, and how headlands were being drenched as the sea was ruffled through strength of arm one yielded his prerogative to by