100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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A life without meaning

is equal to Death.

It's like lying in your grave

except  that you still have Breath.


Most of us, unfortunately, don't discover the true meaning of life. We think we live, but in reality, we just exist. Then one day, we die. Once we are dead, our life is over. We have no breath. We cannot discover the meaning and purpose of life after we die. Today, we are alive. We must make the best use of every breath before we are dead. Life has a purpose, there is meaning to life. Most people think that the goal of life is Happiness. Of course, we all want to be happy. But why are we born? Why are we given this human intellect? The gift of human life has been given to us so that we can go on a quest, use our intellect and realize the true meaning of life.