100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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We are embodied creatures…

we are the Soul.

To unite with the Divine

is our ultimate Goal.


Due to ignorance we think we are the body and mind. We don't realize that in reality we are the Divine Soul. The body is like a garment. We wear it. It is constantly changing. The mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. That is why we can't find the mind. Our ultimate goal is to realize that we are the Divine Soul. Once we realize this truth, we will escape from the constant suffering, the constant cycle of death and rebirth. Realization will lead us to liberation and ultimately, unification. When the Soul unites with the Divine Cosmic Consciousness, we are liberated from this world forever. As long as we do not realize who we truly are, we will continue to live as the body, the mind and the ego, and suffer.