100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Desire is like a fire…

In the end it makes us burst.

And though we achieve what we want,

it will never Quench our thirst.


Man is essentially a greedy animal. Although we fulfill our need, we don't stop. We continue with our greed as we desire and crave for more and more. How much is enough? For a normal human being, enough is never enough. This is because we live in ignorance and don't realize the simple truth that we come with nothing, and when we go, we can take nothing with us. Still, we spend our entire life desiring and seeking, and we crave till we go to our grave. Our thirst only makes us burst with misery and suffering, as we remain ignorant of the truth. We must learn to be dispassionate and detach ourselves from these glittering trinkets that allure us and make us sink into the world.